Dragonfly This is a dragonfly. There are many kinds of dragonflies like these ones:
What are dragonflies??? Dragonflies are a kind of insects. The dragonflies are of many colours like:red, orange, pink, blue, gold, black, earth tones, and more, but also in metallic colors. The dragonflies have very thin wings.
Where they live ????? The dragonflies live in many different types of habitats: small ponds, marshes of different kinds. Some marshes tend to be the most productive and contain a wide variety of different kinds of dragonflies
What does a dragonfly look like ? The dragonfly’s face is this one: The face is very ugly.
The reproduction The larva hatches from an egg which is laid in water, in plants near water, or even underwater. As this aquatic larva grows, it loses its old skin many times. When fully- grown, it comes out from the water, using the claws on its feet to crawl onto a plant.
What is larva? This is a larva
What do they eat? Dragonflies eat other flying insects, particularly mosquitoes. They also will take butterflies, moths and smaller dragonflies. There is one Asian species which takes spiders from their webs!
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