For the asteroseismology channel The database contains all the stars brighter than m V = 9.5 (~ objects) with extensive data from: The CDS/Simbad database Dedicated ground based spectroscopy and strömgren photometry for stars brighter than m V = 8; under the resp. of C. Catala (LESIA) Specific catalogues identifying various types of stars (δ-scuti, β-Cep, …); under the resp. of W. Weiss (U. of Vienna). These informations will be used for the core and secondary programmes (long runs), the exploratory programmes (short runs) and the additional programmes (during both short or long runs) in the seismology fields. For the extra-solar planet search channel The database contains stars in the range of magnitude m V between 12 and 16 with data from: Dedicated ground based BVRI photometry and exhaustive identification of ~ 3,000,000 stars in the exoplanet fields around the principal targets; under the resp. of M. Deleuil (LAM). The USNO catalogue to cover the regions far away from the principal targets and not covered by the dedicated photometry (more than 10,000,000 stars); under the resp. of OMP Specific catalogues identifying various types of stars; under the resp. of W. Weiss (U. of Vienna) The Entry Star Database contains all the potentiel targets located in the COROT field of view – centre and anticentre directions - for both main scientific objectives, asteroseismology and extra-solar planet search, as well as for exploratory and additional programmes. These data will be used for the core programme (long runs), the exploratory programmes (short runs) and the additional programmes in the exoplanet fields. The objective is to simulate the field of view of the Detectors In order to choose the « best » targets to fullfil the scientific goals of COROT and provide the « best » schedule of the observations over the instrument operational lifetime. COROTSKY Contacts : Stéphane Charpinet Jacqueline Platzer Laboratoire d’Astrophysique Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées 14 Av. Ed. Belin TOULOUSE Tel : Fax : Preparing Corot Observations with COROTSKY A graphic interactive application for the construction of the Corot observation blocks, the planning and the preparation of commands. CESD Mission Constraints Scientific Programmes Observation blocks Planning Corot Entry Star Database COROTSKY OVERVIEW CorotSky provides functions to explore the Corot Entry Star Database in order to optimize the targets selection in accordance with the scientific programmes. It takes into account the mission and instrument constraints to build observation blocks. STEP 0 Selection of the principal target or specific sky region STEP 1 & 2 Positionning of the detectors on the sky Selection of candidate targets STEP 3 Definition of windows around the selected targets Selection of operation mode COROTSKY External catalogues External catalogues CESD Mission contraints CESD mirror LAM database LAM database OMP CNES Parameter files GAUDI Database 3 steps are required to achieve the construction of an observation block. 5 stars/detector (sismo) 6000 stars/detector (exo) STEP 0 Initialization of one block Selection of a Long Run (LR) or Short Run (SR) in the Centre or Anticentre direction Display of the principal stars Overall display combining 3 groups of seismology potential targets satisfying selected criteria Show populated regions for Exoplanet fields Content and Objectives of the CorotSky Entry Database STEP 1 : SISMO FIELD Display candidate targets according to selected criteria Build histograms Show HR diagrams View and print summaries and current displays STEP 2 (draft version) STEP 3 (not available) Compare two observation blocks Identify a good position for the detectors Propose a list af candidate targets Assign a priority level to each target Select sets of stars for the « EXOBASKET » Assign windows and masks around selected targets Improve the selection to optimize further the observation Choose SCAO stars Check mission constraints Fill up a data file intended to the preparation of commands Put the block in the planning Principal Target Access to COROTSKY Configuration needed Windows, Mac OS X, Linux with Netscape 4.73 or later Java Runtime Environment (for information and download see Beware Linux need a specific configuration ! configuration INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE WEB SITE The COROTSKY versions How to become a user ? The configuration needed The User Manual Your remarks Who are the COROTSKY users? All scientists responsible for a scientific programme (CoIs and GIs) and the COROT project team Public access for demonstration : Username : corotdemo Password : corotdemo STEP 1 : EXO FIELD Display the map of density of stars according to selected criteria Build histograms View and print the results of the selection