To Do, RQ/H assignment – folder up front Pick up article for next week (content analysis of contemporary praise and worship). –Next Wed, Dr. Badzinski from Colorado Christian University Pull out PTL Ethnography article – Review Pull out Dr. Jindra’s Star Trek Article Extra credit – Schultze, folder up front Welcome Dr. Jindra
Research Question Hypotheses A WORKING MODEL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH Narrow focus Identify topic STEP 1: CONCEPTUALIZATION Review of Literature STEP 2: PLANNING & DESIGNING Which Method? STEP 4: ANALYZE & INTERPRET DATA Report / Write STEP 5: RECONCEPTUALIZATION STEP 3: SELECTING A METHODOLOGY Operationalizaton Measurement Techniques Define Key Concepts
Ethnography Defined ethnos = tribe, race or nation; graphos = something written down Commonalities in Ethnographic Research Inductive Reasoning Proximity & Interaction Ordinary Behavior Multiple & Flexible Methods Data Collection in Ethnographic Research Decide what to observe Gain AccessWhat Role? Record/Report Observations Limitations? Reactive EffectsReliability lowGeneralizability?
Dr. Mike Jindra
Apply our learning... –1. RQ or H? –2. Justification? (p. 152, Reinard) –3. Theories used? How used? –4. Method? What made it ethnographic? –5. Major findings/results? –6. Significance of findings/results? –7. Limitations? What would you have done differently? –8. Ethical considerations? –9. What’s next? Future research?
Structure of Star Trek Article Working H: ST has features that parallel religious movements; fandom is a location to find religion (pp. 28, 30). Method (p. 29) Argument/Evidence (Results/Discussion) –(1) It has a worldview; something that religions have (pp ), AND –(2) Fandom: fans “act out” or behave as people of faith Fan Networks (pp ) (hierarchies, recruiting system, discipleship groups) Community (p. 38) (churches, denominations) Conventions (p. 38) (Promise Keepers, Women of Faith) Tourism and Pilgrimage (p. 39) (Holy Land Theme Park, Creation Museum, Billy Graham Museum) Linking Star Trek (the “Kingdom”) to the present (pp ) (Left Behind, personal testimonies, self-help books/manuals, Jesus Merchandise, music, etc) Consistency of Narrative (pp ) (Christian apologetics/dogma/ canon”Bibles”) Fandom Stigma (pp ) “Jesus Freaks,” or Christian stigma)