Applying to Medical School in 2009 and Beyond Lee Witters (NSS) Kim Sauerwein (Career Services) Annette Hamilton (Career Services)
First Things First Make your intention to possibly apply known to our advising system..i.e. SIGN IN Have an individual conversation with an advisor as to whether 2009 is the optimum time for you to be applying to medical school or whether you should consider delaying till 2010 or later Familiarize yourself with all the sources of information KEEP TO ANNOUNCED DEADLINES!
Some Medical School Admission Statistics: 2008 Matriculants # applicants: 40, 854 # accepted: 18,651 (45.7%) GPA all applicants: 3.50 (3.40 BCPM) GPA accepted: 3.66 (3.60 BCPM) MCAT all takers 8.4VR/8.7PS/9.2BS/26.2/O MCAT accepted applicants 9.5VR/9.8PS/10.2BS/29.2/PNational # applicants: 156 # accepted: 116 (74%) # schools/applicant: 20 # acceptances/applicant: 3 GPAs accepted: –Overall: 3.55 ( ) –BCPM: 3.48 ( ) GPA not accepted: –Overall: 3.28 ( ) –BCPM: 3.12 ( ) MCAT –Accepted : 10.8 VR/10.8 PS/11 BS/32.4Q Ranges: 26-41(total)/L-T –Not Accepted: 10VR/10PS/11BS/31/Q Ranges: 22-38(total)/M-SDartmouth
Is this the right time? OVERALL GPA >3.3 overall GPA80% were accepted <3.3 overall GPA59% were accepted BCPM >3.3 BCPM89% were accepted <3.3 BCPM50% were accepted MCAT >30 MCAT79% were accepted <30 MCAT48% were accepted Timeliness Earlier than Sept 182% were accepted Later than Sept 153% were accepted Other factors: Clinical Experience/Exposure, Community Service, Research Experience, List of Schools (# and appropriateness relative to one’s “credentials”)
Applying to Medical School in 2009 and Beyond Overview: Where is help? (Lee Witters/Kim Sauerwein) Important web sites: –NSS ( Several links in “Must Reads & Links” section including Alumni Advice network –NSS Blackboard site (need to self-enroll; see instructions on NSS home page) All important documents and podcasts to be posted here in ‘Pre-Health Information’ >>>>’Medical School’ folder –Career Services ( –American Association of Medical Colleges ( Links on right: AMCAS, MCAT,, Medical Schools/More Resources
Timeline FallWinterSpringSummer Determine if this is the best year for you to apply -Ask for LETTERS -Sign up for early MCAT -Workshops -Ask for LETTERS -Early MCAT (or sign up for spring/summer) -Workshops -LETTERS -MCAT -Begin AMCAS application, incl. personal statement & school list -Transcript (after spring term) -Submit AMCAS application (primary); target date 6/30 -Begin secondary applications -Send LETTERS Complete Secondaries -Schools should have everything by now -Interviews & Offers -Decision Day: May 15 -Get ready for classes!
Applying to Medical School in 2009 and Beyond The MCAT exam, registration and preparation –When/where? –How to prepare? –Other issues: testing accommodations; fee assistance
Composite Letter of Evaluation REQUIRED unless you are class of 2007 or previous No more than six (6) writers including your composite writer. 3-5 writers will write supporting letters, you will submit supporting documents Release to Composite Writer form (processed in the order that they are received) Additional letters (after composite) – talk to Annette
Credentials (LEO) Open your LEO file –Waiving your rights of access Who will be your letter writers? –TWO science faculty who’ve taught you –Major professor –Extracurricular letter Ask letter writers – give them timelines Create & submit supporting documents –Autobiographical Sketch –Resume –Transcript Timelines/Deadlines (Agreement form)
Questions? The REAL LEO: Annette Hamilton (603)
Timeline Agreement Sheet Please review, sign and return to Kim by the end of this meeting
Applying to Medical School in 2009 and Beyond A Few “Heads Up” For Later Meetings Winter Term Workshops : –How to Ask for Letters, Post-Bac Programs, Getting Started on a Personal Statement and “Gap Year” activities The AMCAS application –Issue of institutional action –Release date early May; suggested submission date end of June –Spring workshops (how to fill out; personal statements) Choosing schools: How to decide? Secondary applications The interview and the decision making What if I am planning to apply in later years?
Summary of Deadlines (Ideal (i.e. target) & Final) TaskIdeal (target) dateFinal deadline Taking MCATBy June 13By August 7 Submitting AMCASJune 30Sept 1 Submitting 2 o AppsSept 1Oct 1 Documents to Career Services Timeline Agreement ASAPApril 1 Composite Letter Worksheet March 2May 1 Supporting Documents May 1July 1 Supporting Letters May1July 1 Release to Composite Writer May 15July 15 Composite Letter July 1September 1
Applying to Med School Booklet Blitz Updates on 1 st and 15 th