International Training Workshop on Groundwater Modelling for Arid and Semi-Arid Areas & G-WADI Asia Meeting Dr Muhammad Akram Kahlown and Dr Ashfaq Ahmed Sheikh Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources Ministry of Science and Technology June 2007
Lanzhou, China June 07
CURRENT SITUATION In arid and semi-arid areas, the problems of water scarcity are exacerbated by: population growth, expansion of agricultural activities, induced salinity and agricultural/urban pollution Pakistan has mainly arid to semi-arid climate Rainfall ranges from 125 mm in the extreme southern plains to 1500 to 1900 mm in the mountains and northern plains More than 85% of the area receives rainfall less than 250 mm About 70 per cent of total rainfall in monsoon and remaining during winter Lanzhou, China June 07
CURRENT SITUATION WATER AVAILABILITY (MAF) POPULATION (Million) 160 Million (2007) 1080 m 3 (2007) 5260 Lanzhou, China June 07
BALOCHISTAN Balochistan province is unique in its geo-political position in Pakistan: south-western part (44% area) An arid mountainous region receiving an average annual rainfall of about 200 mm Lanzhou, China June 07
BALOCHISTAN Groundwater is the main dependable source of water as most of the streams are ephemeral Rainwater in small to large streams/rivers plays a major role in groundwater development and arid agriculture Lanzhou, China June 07
BALOCHISTAN Due to scarcity of water, out of 186,000 km 2 culturable land, less than 50% area is under cultivation The province suffered due to inefficient use of its resources: water, bio-diversity, rangelands, forest and soils
GROUNDWATER RESOURCES Growing population is increasing water demand and reduced rainfall increased groundwater utilization.
RIVER BASINS There are fourteen major basins in the province Lanzhou, China June 07
GROUNDWATER BALANCE S. No. River BasinsArea (km 2 ) DistrictsGroundwater Potential (million m 3 ) Groundwater Developed (million m 3 ) Balance (million m 3 ) Heavily Overdrawn: 1Nari Ziarat, Loralai, Kohlu, Sibi, Zhob, Mastung Pishin-Lora Quetta, Mastung, Kalat, Pishin, Qilla Abdullah Zhob Qilla Saifullah, Zhob Part Utilized: 4Porali Lasbela, Khuzdar, Awaran Hingol Awaran, Khuzdar, Washuk, Panjgur, Kalat Hamun-e-Lora 9500 Nushki, Chagai Gaj 6105 Khuzdar, Kalat Kachhi Kohlu, Sibi, Bolan, Nasirabad, Kalat, Jafferabad, Dera Bugti, Barkhan, Khuzdar, Jhal Magsi, Mastung Mula 5930 Khuzdar, Kalat Surplus Potential: 10Hamun-e-Mashkhel Chagai, Nushki, Washuk, Kharan, Kalat Rakhshan Panjgur, Washuk Dasht Kech, Panjgur, Awaran, Gwadar Gwadar Omara Gwadar, Awaran, Kech (not fully assessed) Others (Kaha, Kand, Kadanai) Musa Khel, Barkhan, Dera Bugti, Zhob Zhob Qilla Abdullah, Pishin Total
PILOT BASINS Pishin Lora Mula Hamun-e-Mushkel Lanzhou, China June 07
ASSESSMENT CASE The case study focused on assessment of status of groundwater utilization, present potential, responsible factors and future scenario Data collection through monitoring and field activities Secondary data from relevant agencies: WAPDA, Irrigation and Power Department, Agriculture Department, Population Census, etc. Further strategic and research activities Lanzhou, China June 07
Pishin-Lora Basin S.#Salient FeaturesValue 1Location66 o 15′ - 67 o 42′ E 28 o 42′ - 30 o 54′ N 2Total Area20,360 km 2 3Sub-basinsQuetta, Mangochar, Mastung, Pishin, Kuchlagh 4Major stream/riverPishin-Lora river 5DistrictsQuetta (1688 km 2 ), Mastung (4843 km 2 ), Kalat (4266 km 2 ), Pishin (7782 km 2 ), and Qilla Abdullah (1781 km 2 ). 6Topography/ElevationHilly to moderate (1100 to 1800 m) 7Rainfall150 to 250 mm (falls out of monsoon belt) 8Average Temperature28 o C (max.) 9 o C (min.) 9Major crops/ fruits/ vegetablesWheat, sunflower, apple, apricot, cherry, onion, potato 10Soilssandy loam to silt loam Lanzhou, China June 07
Groundwater Monitoring Sub-basinOpen surface wellsPiezometerAutomatic recordersTotal Quetta North Original December Quetta South Original December Pishin Original December Mastung Original December Mangochar Original December Total Original December
Groundwater Decline Sub-basinPeriodAverage Decline in water level (m) Quetta North Quetta South Pishin Mastung Mangochar
Water Balance in the Basin BasinSub-basin Recharge (cusecs) Extractions (cusecs) Drawn out of storage (cusecs) Pishin LoraQuetta-North Pishin-LoraMastung Pishin-LoraMangochar Pishin-LoraPishin Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Demand and Utilization Water is supplied through: tubewells, hand pumps, wells, karezes and springs Lanzhou, China June 07
Agriculture Water Utilization Basin is good for crops, fruits and vegetables Major crops: wheat, sunflower, fodder Major fruits: apple, apricot, almond, grapes, peach, plum, cherry, pomegranate, pistachio etc. Years Total Cultivated Area (km 2 ) Area under Fruits (km 2 ) (6%) (9%) % Increase109211
Agriculture Water Utilization Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Quality Sub-basins Samples Collected EC (S/cm) SAR TDS (mg/l) Prevalent Salts Pishin NaHCO 3, NaCl, Na 2 SO 4 Kuchlagh – Patki Shahnawaz Shirinab Mangochar Quetta Kalat Mastung Lanzhou, China June 07
Main Observations High rate of electrical tubewells installation due to flat charge rates and led to indiscriminate and inefficient use of groundwater Most agriculture by traditional irrigation techniques (flooding) Most tubewells either abandoned or further drilling done to pump water Situation led to drying of most fruit orchards Groundwater extraction beyond sustainable limit Lanzhou, China June 07
Mula Basin S.#Salient FeaturesValue 1Location66 o 18′ - 67 o 39′ E 27 o 45′ - 30 o 54′ N 2Total Area5,930 km 2 3Sub-basinsLahri, Orchino, Arjira 4Major riverMula River 5DistrictsKalat (1593 km 2 ), Khuzdar (4337 km 2 ) 6Topography/ElevationModerate slope (600 to 1000 m) 7Rainfall190 to 220 mm (outside monsoon belt) 8Average Temperature29 o C (max) 11 o C (min) 9Major crops/ fruits/ vegetablesWheat, Apple 10SoilsClay and clay loam Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Demand and Utilization Water is supplied through: tubewells, hand pumps, wells, karezes and springs No monitoring groundwater network Lanzhou, China June 07
Agriculture Water Utilization Basin is good for crops, fruits and vegetables Major crops: wheat, barley, cumin, fodder Major fruits: apple, peach, plum, apricot Years Total Cultivated Area (km 2 ) Area under Fruits (km 2 ) (3%) (4%) % Increase74155 Lanzhou, China June 07
Agriculture Water Utilization Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Quality Sub-basins Samples Collected EC (S/cm) SAR TDS (mg/l) Prevalent Salts Lehri Na/MgHCo 3, NaCl Orchino Arjira Lanzhou, China June 07
Main Observations High rate of electrical tubewells installation due to flat charge rates and led to indiscriminate and inefficient use of groundwater Most agriculture by traditional irrigation techniques (flooding) No permanent monitoring network Sufficient groundwater potential available as balance is 14 MCM, out of 23 MCM. Lanzhou, China June 07
Hamun-e-Mushkel Basin S.#Salient FeaturesValue 1Location60 o 51′ - 66 o 15′ E 27 o 11′ - 29 o 48′ N 2Total Area79,590 km 2 3Sub-basinsNushki, Badoo Rud, Ladgasht, Basima, Dalbandin, Nokundi, Koh-e-Dalil, Buzurg 4Major riverHamun-e-Mushkel river (40,460 km 2 ) 5DistrictsChagai (38,923 km 2 ), Kalat (1,236 km 2 ), Kharan (39,431 km 2 ) 6Topography/ElevationModerate to hilly (700 to 1100 m) 7Rainfall30 to 180 mm 8Average Temperature32 o C (max) 8 o C (min) 9Major crops/ fruits/ vegetables Wheat, Barley, Jawar, fodder, apple, apricot, pomegranate, dates, cumin, onion, melon 10SoilsSilt loam, sandy loam, silty clay calcareous in nature Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Demand and Utilization Water is supplied through: tubewells, hand pumps, wells, karezes and springs Groundwater monitoring non-existent Lanzhou, China June 07
Agriculture Water Utilization Basin is good for crops, fruits and vegetables Major crops/vegetables: wheat, fodder, onion, potato Major fruits: apricot, pomegranate, dates, melon Years Total Cultivated Area (km 2 ) Area under Fruits (km 2 ) (2%) (3%) % Increase954 Lanzhou, China June 07
Agriculture Water Utilization Lanzhou, China June 07
Water Quality Sub-basins Samples Collected EC (S/cm) SAR TDS (mg/l) Prevalent Salts Nushki NaHCO 3, NaCl, Na 2 SO 4 Badoo Rud Ladgasht Basima Dalbandin Nokkundi Koh-e-Dalil Buzurg Lanzhou, China June 07
Main Observations High rate of diesel tubewells installation due to scanty population in desert area Most agriculture by traditional irrigation techniques (flooding) No permanent monitoring network Sufficient groundwater potential available as balance is 56 MCM, out of 61 MCM The quality of groundwater and sparse population density have been limiting factors for development.
Overall Water Balance in Balochistan Water million cubic meters (MCM) Available water: Surface (Indus): Surface (flood/runoff): Groundwater: Total: 4, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,581.0 Water Used: Surface (Indus): Surface (flood/runoff) Groundwater: Total: 4, , , , , , , , , , , , ,235.0 Balance: Surface (Indus): Surface (flood/runoff) Groundwater: Total: , , , , , , , ,346.0
RECOMMENDED MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Enforcement of a water management authority including community members to coordinate water resources planning/ development Long term sustainable resource management strategy including: reduced groundwater utilization; development of new surface supplies involving storage dams, leaky dams for recharge; reduction in demand from some sectors notably agriculture through adoption of efficient water management techniques. In rural areas, establishing a relationship between power charges and water consumption for agriculture. The present flat rate charges should be abolished. Future prices of water and electricity should reflect the commodities opportunity cost. A policy of controlled groundwater mining must be acknowledged. A strategy should be established in those areas where the aquifer storage can be proven sufficient to provide resource until such time as sustainable resources may be available. Establishment of a regular groundwater monitoring network An awareness campaign to deliver the message of efficient water conservation and management techniques for all water users. Lanzhou, China June 07
ACTIVITIES AND PROPOSED ESTIMATE FOR PILOT BASINS S.No.ActivitiesYear 1Year 2Year 3 1Establishment/Rehabilitation of surface flow measurements 30, Establishment/Rehabilitation of groundwater monitoring network 30, Capacity Building of Technical Personnel 10, Field data collection activities8000 4Operational expenses/overheads8000 5Technical and Field PersonnelPCRWR and allied Departments 6Research Infrastructure for Database Maintenance PCRWR and allied Departments 7Miscellaneous3000 Total (US$)89,00019,000 US$ Total: US$ 127,000 Lanzhou, China June 07
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