Dean’s Office James A Bell November 1, 2011
Products and Services Academic and Administrative interface with Campus and Provost’s office Leadership searches (Chairs, Associate Deans, etc.) Review and development of MSA unit financials Project manager oversight and coordination Executive compensation program (Chairs/CDAs)
Products and Services (cont.) Administrative aspects of FGP Administrative Fellowship program Financial Health of the Medical School –Review of Funds Flow processes within school –Annual budget process with Provost –Internal Control functions within MSA –Approval of Chair’s, Dean’s and Director’s Concur reports Determination and maintenance of MSA/Medical School policies
Interfacing Departments Campus Areas –Provost office –Life Science Institute –Executive Officers –Other Schools and Colleges –ITS and IT rationalization –Regents
Interfacing Departments Health System areas –EVPMA office –All clinical and basic science departments –All centers and institutes –All MSA areas –NCRC functions –Shared services areas
Interfacing Departments Outside of the University –LCME –AAMC –AMGA –Other Groups or Universities
Staffing Trends MSA -DeptFY08FY09FY10FY11FY12 Communications Exec Admin Finance Human Resources Dean’s office Total
Current Tactical Initiatives Reorganization of chair search functions and financial area to improve efficiency Looking at means to improve timeliness of center and institute reviews Review potential educational space improvements
Efficiency Opportunities MSA/CDA retreat and review process Administrative modernization functions International Visa processing
Thank You
Organizational Structure David Spahlinger, MD Executive Medical Director Faculty Group Practice Senior Associate Clinical Dean Information Technology Ted Hanss Facilities Horace Bomar Human Resources Stephanie Schroeder James A. Bell Chief Administrative Officer (Assistant: Robin Fox) Embedded Finance Patti Nurse MSA Directors James O. Woolliscroft, MD Dean Destination Program Jill Secord Quality Management Center Charlie Whiting Project Managers Group Communications Andree Joyaux Clinical and Basic Science Department Administrators Administrative Fellows Katie Konson Safia Al-Kharsa Meghan Moore
Operating Budget MSA -DeptFY10FY11FY12 -Forecast Exec Admin$ 770,436$ 1,183,389$ 1,212,076 Human Resources 159, , ,135 Dean’s office 795, , ,246 Total$1,725,433$ 2,003,280$ 2,227,457