Bone Formation and Bone Remodeling S.K. Kim November 16, 2009
46HE (H & E) Intramembranous bone formation of maxilla (flat bone) Nasal septum (hyaline cartilage) Tongue Oral cavity Nasal cavity
46M ( Masson or Trichrome) Rotate 180 o Forming mandibular bone Forming tooth Meckel’s cartilage (hyaline) Tongue (skeletal muscle) Tongue (skeletal muscle) Genioglossus muscle (skeletal muscle) Lower jaw Mandibular bone (flat) formation: Intramembranous ossification
# 120 Developing face (frontal section) Forming facial (maxillary) bone: Intramembranous ossification Oral cavity Tongue Nasal cavity Orbit: eye ball Nasal septum: (hyaline cartilage)
Intramembranous bone formation. #46-HE; #46-M; #120 Periosteum Bone trabecula(e) or spicules
Bone Cells Periosteum Osteoblasts Osteocytes Osteoclasts Osteoid ? #1 ? #2 ? #3 ? #4 ? #5
115N (H&E) Sagital section of the palate Intramembranous, palatal and maxillary bone formation Nasal cavity Oral cavity Upper lip Gingiva (gum) Developing tooth Rotate 180 o 115-M (Masson)
Trabecular bone before conversion to compact bone #115N
Immature (woven/mottled) bone; #115N Highly cellular: aggregation of osteocytes Basophilic: high concentration of GAGs
Sharpey’s fibers #115N
Beginning of osteon formation; #115N
Growth in diameter of a long bone #48 (H&E) and 48b (Masson) Periosteum
Long bone shaft:growth in diameter #48 (tibia and fibula) Osteoblasts Osteoid Periosteum (cellular) (Fibrous) Tibia Fibula
Epiphyseal plate Epiphysis Metaphysis Diaphysis Endochondral Bone formation #110 (finger, H&E)
Epiphyseal plate and endochondral bone formation #108 Resting cartilage Chondrocyte proliferation Chondrocyte hypertrophy Cartilage calcification Erosion of calicified cartilage and bone deposition (ossification) Tide mark (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Epiphyseal plate and endochondral bone formation #49
Calcified cartilage core in trabecular bone #49
Bone Remodeling Erosion (resorption) Tunnel