The “Real” King Arthur
Roman Britain Londinium (London) Eboracum (York) Lindum (Lincoln) Glevun (Gloucester) Deva (Chester) Aquae Solis (Bath) Isca Silurum (Caerleon)
Celtic Migrations
Barbarians in the Roman Empire
The Anglo-Saxon Settlements
Celtic Place Names in England Avon from abonā = "river" Britain from britani = "painted (people)" Dover from dubrīs = "waters" Kent from cantus = "border" Severn from sabrīna (a nymph who drowned in the river, or the river’s goddess) Thanet from tan-arth = "fire-height" Thames from tamesis = “dark” York from ebor-acon = "place of yew trees" (doubtful, disputed)
Vortigern Greets Hengist and Horsa