1 The Development of Language Arts Apr-22-091 By Dannikia Davis Heather Howard Kim Krachinsky 04-22-09.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Development of Language Arts Apr By Dannikia Davis Heather Howard Kim Krachinsky

2 Math and science skills are viewed as “21 st Century Skills,” and therefore have recently received quite a bit of attention and focus in American education systems. Apr With all of the attention on math and science, the language arts content area has taken the back burner.

3 Building Language Arts skills is just as important as building math and science skills. Apr It is by way of these standards that students develop the literacy, writing, and communication skills that are critical to success both in school and in everyday life.

4  Learn to recognize and decode printed words.  Develop the necessary skills for independent reading  Discover the sound-symbol-match system.  By third grade, demonstrate fluent oral reading. Apr

5  Acquired through exposure to language-rich situations.  Use context clues and direct explanations from others.  Learn to apply word analysis skills.  Become more proficient in applying knowledge of words. Apr

6  Analyze and evaluate informational and literary texts.  Self-monitor their own comprehension.  Ask and answer questions about the text.  Assess their own understanding. Apr

7  Gain information about a subject by reading.  Apply the reading process to various types of texts.  Learn to make predictions and build text knowledge.  Use text structure to organize content information. Apr

8  Enhance their understanding of the human story.  Apply the reading process to various genres.  Describe and discuss the elements of literature.  Explain, analyze, and critique literary text. Apr

9  Learn to pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and publish.  Learn to plan their writing.  Learn to apply writing in increasingly sophisticated ways.  Produce compositions using effective word choice and grammar.  Develop revision strategies. Apr

10  Learn about the various purposes of writing.  Select and explain text forms to suit purpose and audience.  Use content specific words to achieve communication goals.  Choose vocabulary to enhance what they have written. Apr

11  Learn writing conventions through exposure to practice.  Learn the purpose and uses of punctuation.  Develop and extend understanding of the spelling system.  Grow more skillful using grammatical structures of English. Apr

12  Investigate self-selected of assigned issues and topics.  Locate, select, and make use of relevant information.  Use a variety of media, reference, and technology resources.  Use an appropriate form to communicate their findings. Apr

13  Learn to communicate through exposure to models and practice.  Use communication skills in increasingly sophisticated ways.  Deliver presentations that effectively convey information.  Control language and choose words to clarify their points. Apr

14 Remember! Yes, Math and Science are important, but so is Language Arts! In order to ensure that every student has what they need to be successful in the classroom and in every day life, they need to learn to read, write, and communicate effectively! Apr-22-09
