XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Temporal and spatial variability of the MOS RMF 1.Introduction and brief history of the rmf problem 2.Investigation of the spectral evolution of Zeta Puppis as seen by the MOS CCDs, comparing the spectra in the core of the psf with that seen in the wings…i.e. a temporal and crude spatial analysis. 3.Investigation of the observed relative fluxes in 15 on-axis point sources (AGN) as measured in MOS1 and 2, pn and RGS A new RMF for the MOS and its implications in terms of spectral fitting. 5.Andy will then present a detailed analysis of temporal and spatial variability in the rmf as revealed by mapping of the SNR 1ES Implications for the user !!!
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 E1+E2 Measurements from the Orsay Synchrotron of MOS1/CCD1 The low energy redistribution function of the MOS CCDs has a complex shape. The main photopeak has a secondary component (shoulder) which relatively increases with descreasing energy until it is the dominant component.
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Surface electrode structure of a type 22 EEV MOS CCD. The etched areas of the open phase in a single pixel are marked in red. Difference in redistribution shape of mono and bi-pixels indicate charge loss shoulder in mono pixels is much stronger
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Surface electrode structure of a type 22 EEV MOS CCD. Difference in redistribution shape of mono and bi-pixels indicate charge loss shoulder in mono pixels is much stronger
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Effect most pronounced at lower energies Shift in spectrum to lower energies Intrinsic change in redistribution properties of the central CCDs: Open filter observations of the INS RX J0720
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Significant change at low energies Evolution of the redistribution function in current SAS Smaller change at higher energies: Integrated photopeak at 550 eV down by ~ 4%
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Zeta Puppis: Early O-type Supergiant Distance 429 pc, m v =2.25 Observation from Rev 156 Useful for checking CCD rmf especially around ~ eV due to strong N lines Poor fit in wings of rmf due limitations of mathematical model and intrinsic spectral uncertainties
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Changes……
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Five Observations of Zeta Puppis analysed to date: On Axis: Rev 156, 542, 636 and 795 Off Axis: Rev 903 (RGS Test) All Large Window and Thick Filter in both MOS Cameras
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Here are four off them…….. MOS1
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/ MOS2
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 ON-AXIS 542,636,795 ON-AXIS 156 OFF-AXIS 903 MOS1
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 MOS2….Similar Story
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Spectral fitting with current epoch-dependant rmf
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/ eV eV Investigate epoch and spatial dependant variations in the core and wings spectra in 3 Energy bands eV
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Rate down 8% Flux down 5% Eff. Area down 3% Count Rate/Effective Area normalised to Rev 156 DatumComparison of high energy portion of the spectra from 795 and 903
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Comparison study (MOS v pn v RGS) of 15 on-axis point sources: all AGN, all similar soft/excess or steep spectrum with columns ~few cm -2 RevolutionTargetMOS1MOS2pn 943c 273sw/med 963c 273sw/med 161Mkn 509sw/thin 186Ton S 180tu/medsw/med 250Mkn 509sw/thin 2773c 273sw/med 450PKS sw/med 468Ton S 180tu/medsw/med 5633c 273sw/med 6553c 273sw/thin 6803c 120tu/medsw/med 8353c 273sw/thinsw/medsw/thin 8353c 273sw/med 853H sw/medsw/thinsw/med 8853c 390.3sw/med Methodology: 1) Use a conservative arcsec radius extraction annulus for all EPIC targets to minimise pile-up. 2) Calculate fluxes in selected energy bands using an absorbed power-law model. 3) Compare flux ratios as function of epoch.
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 pn/M2=1.14 pn/M2=1.06
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 pn/M2=1.06 pn/M2=1.04
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Drop in area under main Photopeak at 550 eV = 4%
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 6%
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 A New MOS rmf ….
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Consequence for continuum fitting…..I Flux keV x ergs cm -2 s -1 pn (new): 1.02 (0.05) M1 (new): 0.90 (0.10) M1 (old): 0.86 (0.10)
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Consequence for continuum fitting…II
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 Consequence for continuum fitting…II
XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay Mallorca 02/02/05 1.Change the boresight….ok for point sources but doesn’t help extended sources. 2.Define set of fixed rmfs for particular spatial regions and average the rmfs for a given extraction region. 3.Come up with a correction scheme on a per-pixel (or event basis) so that the spatial (and temporal) dependancy is accounted for at the event processing level. Possibilities…..