An Interesting Filter Fall 2003 ECPE 141 – Advance Circuits Author: Henry Pham
Objectives Design Specs and Transfer Function Circuit Simulations & Results Interesting Facts References
Design Specs & Transfer Function 2 nd Order Salleen- Key HPF 2 nd Order Salleen- Key LPF Inverting Amplifier
Circuit Schematic (Dorf SP16.5)
Realized Circuit Real Circuit Cleaned Up for Reimplementation
Circuit Simulations & Results Measured Gain and Spice Gain Measured and Spice dB Gain
Continue Measured and Spice Phase Angle
Continue Transient Response of the Interesting Filter
What happens to the circuit when you replace one capacitor?
Capacitor Change Simulations Frequency Response Transient Response
Why is it an Interesting Filter? Lower Stop Frequency at 16Hz 20db/decade Upper Stop Frequency at 320Hz 20db/decade Roll-Off at 310kHz 75db/decade
More Interesting Facts Resistors connecting the entire circuit directly affect gain.
References 1. Al – Hewlett Packard, Design Engineer 2. Joe Carr’s Radio Tech Notes. Filter, Attenuator, Preamplifier, Preselector - - or Barefoot Dorf & Svoboda. Introduction to Electrical Circuits Fellow Students and Dr. Khoie