Himalayan Region …… Climate: It’s glaciers are “The 3 rd Pole” Water: It supplies 40% of the world’s population with water One Earth Designs
Life on the Plateau. People: > 30 different ethnic groups Environment: Cold, dry, little vegetation Culmination: Long history of innovation One Earth Designs
Challenges : Temperatures rose 6x faster than China, 128% faster than Globe : 3,000 lakes in Qinghai disappeared : Glaciers shrank by 5% Each Year: Desertification in W. China consumes > 1 million acres Climate Change One Earth Designs
Challenges One Earth Designs Globally: 1.6 million deaths/year In each village: IAP claims one life every two years Indoor Air Pollution
Challenges Fuel & Water Collection Women spend 1-8 hours/day collecting (forgoing education & income) Injuries and miscarriages during this work are common One Earth Designs
Challenges Contaminated Water Globally: One child dies every 15 seconds Locally: 86% of women have multiple parasite infections; Parents associate school with diarrhea One Earth Designs
Challenges Access to Education Adults: < 3% literacy Children: Long distance to school Communities: No access to locally applied science or engineering One Earth Designs
Challenges Bartering Cash Language barriers, Skill barriers, Paper barriers Transitioning Economies One Earth Designs