MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 1 EMR Status o Introduction o News o Detector Design o Simulations o Responsibilities o Plan Jean-Sebastien.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 1 EMR Status o Introduction o News o Detector Design o Simulations o Responsibilities o Plan Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 2 Introduction  EMR: Electron Muon Ranger Aka EMCal/SW  See my presentation at CM23 for general introduction Slide 2 e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 3 News   INFN didn’t approve this project Even though MICE has been supported   Gianrossano withdrew   Construction responsibility has been transefered to University of Geneva: Franck Cadoux   The COMO group (Milano) is still interested in developing the Front-end electronics

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 4 Detector Design  Latest design used triangular shape (a la Minerva) Base: 33mm, height:17 mm (nominal), Length: ~ 1 m 59 bars per layer 40 layers Total thickness: 680 mm MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 4 Total: 2360 channels

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 5 Detector Design We have reconsidered:   Use of MultiAnode PMTs Silicon PMT Conclusion: Only the convention MAPM solution is compatible with a delivery in spring 2010   Use of Last dynode signal for charge measurement in FADC (layer by layer) Conclusion: the poor signal quality makes this solution too risky. The bars have fibers coming out from both sides: Side A : Individual signals to digital electronics Side B : Fibers bunched per layer -> 1” conventional PMT -> Analog electronics   Mechanical Assembly Conclusion: Still under discussion   Number of Layers Need simulation

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 6 Mechanical Assembly   Franck Cadoux, Mechanical Engineer, Geneva, is in charge   A prototype is needed   A visit to Trieste is scheduled for next week   Brainstorming has started and new ideas will be discussed Individual bar fixation is considered As opposed to clamped plans proposed by Trieste earlier   Fiber gluing to be outsourced   Main worry is QA of fiber connections to MAPMT

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 7 Simulations  Aim at Validate the total length (number of layers) Validate the total length (number of layers) Estimate the resolution in P z obtained from the range measurement Estimate the resolution in P z obtained from the range measurement At a later stage, optimize PID… At a later stage, optimize PID…  Run by Vassil Verguilov Muons starting before TOF2, KL included Muons starting before TOF2, KL included Parallel beam, small beam spot Parallel beam, small beam spot Flat initial momentum distribution Flat initial momentum distribution No X-Y segmentation yet No X-Y segmentation yet Slide 7

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 8 EMR Simulation Last layer reached Muons above 270 MeV/c are not stopped   Range as a function of momentum

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 9 EMR Simulation   Same as before; profile plot Last layer reached Approx. Linear dependence, as expected ~ ¼ layer per MeV/c

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 10 EMR Simulation   Straggling and P z Resolution  Stopping in Layer 15 Counts per momentum bin Momentum at TOF2 (MeV/c)  Stopping in Layer 20  Stopping in Layer 25  Stopping in Layer 30

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 11 EMR Simulation We obtain P z Resolution estimate:    Pz ~ 4.2 MeV/c Similar to nominal Tracker (3.9 MeV/c) BUT This is for P T = 0 Where the actual tracker resolution is very poor:  Pz > 20 Mev/c if P T <5MeV/c   To be continued

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 12 Responsibilities  Geneva Construction and assembly Construction and assembly 1” PMTs and Analog electronics (FADCs) 1” PMTs and Analog electronics (FADCs) High Voltage for MAPM High Voltage for MAPM ~ 15 MAPM ~ 15 MAPM WaveLength Shifter fibers (we will seek help from Japanese colleagues) WaveLength Shifter fibers (we will seek help from Japanese colleagues) High Voltage for 1” PMTs ? High Voltage for 1” PMTs ?  Como/Milano Electronics development Electronics development Test in beam Test in beam  Trieste ~ 20 MAPMs ~ 20 MAPMs WLS Fibers for the prototype WLS Fibers for the prototype Fiber gluing technique (task to be outsourced) Fiber gluing technique (task to be outsourced)  Fermilab Production of the scintillator bars Production of the scintillator bars

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 13 Plan  The aim is to have the detector ready for MICE in first quarter of 2010  Some experience is required before we can have the full understanding of time scales  There will be two prototypes Existing, small size, with square bars will be tested at CERN this spring or early summer, with final electronics and PMTs. Could be brought to MICE for integration test in fall Existing, small size, with square bars will be tested at CERN this spring or early summer, with final electronics and PMTs. Could be brought to MICE for integration test in fall A double plane (x-y), full size, with triangular bars will be studied/assembled in Geneva in order to establish the construction principles. A double plane (x-y), full size, with triangular bars will be studied/assembled in Geneva in order to establish the construction principles.

MICE VC March 2009Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 14 The EMR group  Trieste INFN and Trieste University- Physics Department Erik Vallazza, Como Univ. and INFN-MiB Michela Prest, Valerio Mascagna Michela’s Boys&Girls: Andrea, Daniela, Davide, Said  University of Geneva Alain Blondel, Vassil Verguilov, J.S. Graulich, Franck Cadoux, Florian Masciocchi  FNAL