Emily Silverman & Kimberly Hall Territory size and establishment in breeding forest songbirds: Implications for forest management and conservation
Project objectives Develop accurate quantitative methods to measure the size and boundaries of breeding territories Investigate factors affecting the relationship between micro-habitat features, territoriality, and breeding densities
Isoclines of breeding neotropical migrant diversity Source: Price 1995 Source: Price et al Species richness of breeding neotropical migrant songbirds
Lightly-browsedHeavily-browsed Thinned hardwoods in the Hiawatha National Forest
40% firs 1.5 m hgt Warbler use Yrs Understory vegetation
1300 m Observations of singing males 1999
Methods Simulation model of bird movement & sampling strategies Territory mapping of 3 species with different patterns of micro-habitat use Vegetation mapping and measurement Observation of timing and location of spring arrivals