Conceptual Design Review Nick Hoffmann Miranda Rohlfing Geoff Morgan Miles Buckman Lauren Wenner Rahul Devnani September 21, 2006
Mission Overview - Objective Our team’s mission is to send a balloon satellite to an altitude of 100,000 feet and have the satellite: 1) Take pictures and a digital recording of the flight 2) Measure the radiation levels in the upper atmosphere
Mission Overview - Goals Our aim with these experiments is to: 1) Obtain a visual record of near space and balloon burst 2) Discover how the radiation levels vary at higher altitudes.
Design - Parts Still Camera Digital video camera Radiation sensors Temperature probe Wires Film Foam core Aluminum tape Hot glue Small tube Washers (2) 9V batteries (6) 23A batteries (6)
Design – Block Diagram Radiation Sensors Video Camera Power (23A) Timing Circuit Still Camera Heater Power (9V)HOBO #1Int. HumidityInt. Temperature External Temperature
Management – Org Chart Team Leader Nick Hoffmann Programming/ Drafting Geoff Morgan Planning Lauren Wenner Finance Miranda Rohlfing Design/ Construction Miles Buckman Rahul Devnani
Management - Schedule Task to Be Completed Complete design Acquire all hardware Prototyping design Testing Final Design Drop Test Subsystem Tests Functional Tests Mission SIM Tests Whip Tests Cooler Test Design Reviews Design Rev A Design Rev B Design Rev C Design Rev D Finalization LAUNCH Target Completion Dates Sept. 20 Sept. 28 – Oct. 5 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 ; Oct. 25 ; Nov. 1 Oct. 25 ; Nov. 1 Nov.1 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Nov. 8 Nov. 29 Nov. 9 Nov. 11
Budget – Mass Budget Experiments$43.00 Second Camera$ Small Parts$47.00 Error Cushion$50.00 Extra$30.00 TOTAL$275.00
Budget - Money Digital video$ camera Radiation sensors$43.00 Wires$10.00 Film$15.00 Small tube$5.00 Washers (2)$2.00 9V batteries (3)$ A batteries (3)$10.00