PEER-SCEC WORKSHOP ON GROUND MOTION SIMULATION AND BUILDING RESPONSE SIMULATION with focus on long period ground motions and tall buildings PEER Nov 2, 2007
GROUND MOTION SELECTION AND MODIFICATION Nonlinear building response depends on the choice of the time history It is costly to run many; building codes say average 7 PEER GMSM Working Group Goal: What methods of ground motion selection and scaling give the lowest bias and uncertainty in building response? This workshop: how to augment data sets of strong motion recordings with physics-based simulations? Design Ground Motion Library PEER GMSM Working Group (Oct 29) Cosmos Annual Meeting (Nov 9)
Data Base of Strong Motion Recordings, < 10 km from Mw Denali Mw 7.9, R = 3 km
TIME HISTORIES FOR A SITE RECORDED Data Not fault- and site- specific Parametric variations are not available Large numbers of records are not available SIMULATED Physics based Fault- and site- specific Parametric variations are available Large numbers of records are available
RESPONSE ANALYSIS FOR A SPECIFIC BUILDING RECORDED Data* Not building- and site- specific Parametric variations are not available Large numbers of records are not available *Kobe, Taichung, Izmit SIMULATED Physics based Building- and site- specific Parametric variations are available Large numbers of records are available
Potential Contributions of Ground Motion Simulations for Tall Buildings in SF and LA Near fault ground motions Rupture directivity effects Fling effects (static ground displacement) Basin effects