CIDER 2011 Research Discussion 1 MULTIDISCIPLINARY
La/Yb spikes in Andes: Crustal thickness & pluton ages in other orogenies. GeoRock – La is incompatiable/Yb is marginally compatible – See Planck & Langmuir, 93 Global orogenic reconstructions (see McQuarrie) for the Cenozoic-Mesozoic with global strain-rate and stress maps. Plate motion changes associated with mountain building (UT & DSDP plate reconstructions).
Role of downgoing slab in deformation in the over-riding plate. – Sdrolias & Mueller 200? G3 – Along arc seismic anisotropy with shrinking and growing lateral trench width (Long & Silver, 2009(?)) – Can you use mountain belt behavior including geodetic constraints at subduction zones as an inverse problem for rheology – Temporal and spatial variation of rheology in deformation zones – What is the upper plate response to changes in subduction/convergence rate. See Heuret & Lallemand, 200? EPSL – Cocos-Caribbean-NA plate TJ – Reconstruct the surface plates from the tomography Compare volumes, areas, and kinematics Predict gravity, viscosity, density from tomography – What role does anelasticity play in subduction How to make continental lithosphere, how do continents grow, are they growing(?). What is the continental lithosphere? – Using seismics, xenoliths, (Rudnick & Fountain, 1995; Behn & Keleman, 200?) Volcanic gaps and slab geometry? The effects of Triple junctions on orogens Relationship between magmatism and Eurasian subduction beneath Tibetan plateau. Dynamic vs static support in orogens. Realistic geodynamic models including mantle wedge geometry predicting orogens. Does Moho character correlate with crustal age, or with last tectonic event, or last magmatic event.
What starts orogeny in continent-ocean collision and why is orogeny delayed until well after the start of subduction? Depth of seismic anisotropy as a marker of strain accumulation. What properties can be used to identify the asthenosphere? Mantle melt data can be used to identify the depth of the lithosphere. What do current anisotropy measurements tells us about the lithosphere Exhumation rates due to climate versus subduction to collision
Escarpment dynamics (Norway, Venezuela, Big Sur) How is continental crust subducted and how much continental crust has been subducted? Forearcs are almost all gone. What controls subduction erosion? Force balance in continent-continent collision Force balance in orogeny Force balance in the Laramide orogeny.
What are the most useful observations to constrain isostatic versus dynamic support. The magnitude of dynamic topography. What differentiates dynamic from isostatic topography.