T OUR G UIDING Matakuliah: G0404/Tour Guiding Tahun: 2006/2007
C AREER C HOICE VALUES A person’s basic goal. INTERESTS Reflect their values. ABILITIES Influence how easily people learns to perform various activities.
Identifying the Job you want Nature of the work Working Conditions Special Abilities Required Physical Demands Preparation Needed Chances for Employment Probable Earnings Job Security Chance for Advancement
Preparation For The Job Search COVER LETTER Goes with a resume when responding to an advertisement or sending out requests for interviews
Cover Letter Tips Avoid the overuse of I Check for spelling errors and typos Customize each letter Date the letter Do not mention salary Indicate that a resume is enclosed Keep it short
Resume Describes a person’s background and skills in more detail than a cover letter.
Resume Chronological Format Functional Format Combination Format
Some Resume Headings Name, address, telephone number Objective Education Work experience Skills such as languages, computer knowledge, sales and travel experience Personal interest References available on request
JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY What employers look for: Flexibility Stamina Common sense Sense of humor First aid Optimistic VS Pessimistic
THE I NTEGRAL C OMPONENTS The employers The jobs Qualifications and training Grants
Getting Started Almost any job can lead on to guiding. A good training course will help with finding a job. If you are able to stay away for overnight tours working as a tour guide, there is more work available.
Qualifications and Training When looking for the right training course, it is definitely a case of ‘Buyer beware’. #1 TIPS: Ask the course tutor to give you the names and telephone numbers of successful ex-students who are prepared to give the course a recommendation.
WHAT’S NEXT Do you want to be… REGISTERED GUIDE Apply to your regional tourist board. TOUR GUIDE/MANAGER SPECIALIZED GUIDE
ACHTUNG: YOUR LANGUAGE As you work your way to tour director you will need to be able to speak relevant languages fluently. #1 TIPS: Take a good first-aid course. Many tour operators now insist on this qualification, and it is essential when working with older clientele.
ONE LAST QUESTION: IS THIS THE JOB FOR YOU? Do you like people? Do you enjoy delving into reference books? Are you organized in your business life, and able to work on your own? Are you capable of promoting yourself to companies? Are you fizzing with ideas to make visits more interesting for visitors? Can you dress smartly when working? Do you have bags of stamina?