The Secrets of Atomic Radiation by Dr. Mohammad Al-Jarallah Professor, Department of Physics King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed2 Abstract Atomic radiation as a phenomenon is as old as the universe itself. It is a normal part of nature and life. At this very moment, thousands of rays are penetrating your body every second. The majority of radiation originates in nature and is totally independent of what man does. Today, our environment also contains a small amount of extra “unnatural” radiation which is caused by the activities of mankind. Atomic radiation as a phenomenon is as old as the universe itself. It is a normal part of nature and life. At this very moment, thousands of rays are penetrating your body every second. The majority of radiation originates in nature and is totally independent of what man does. Today, our environment also contains a small amount of extra “unnatural” radiation which is caused by the activities of mankind. The use of radiation has become an integral part of modern life. From the x-ray picture of broken limb to the treatment of cancer, the medical applications of radiation are now accepted as commonplace, and x-ray facilities are available in almost every community hospital. The use of radiation has become an integral part of modern life. From the x-ray picture of broken limb to the treatment of cancer, the medical applications of radiation are now accepted as commonplace, and x-ray facilities are available in almost every community hospital. Radiation contributes in the production of electricity, agriculture, and in other industry. Radiation contributes in the production of electricity, agriculture, and in other industry. In my lecture I will try to describe in simple terms, what ionizing radiation to which man is exposed and second to review its sources and then I will shed a light on the applications of radiation in different walks of life. In my lecture I will try to describe in simple terms, what ionizing radiation to which man is exposed and second to review its sources and then I will shed a light on the applications of radiation in different walks of life.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed3 The Secrets of Atomic Radiation 1. The Atom 2. Atomic Radiation 3. Our Radiation Heritage 4. Man Made Radiation 5. Application of Atomic Radiation In: Medicine Medicine Power Production Power Production Weapons Weapons Agriculture Agriculture Industry Industry 6. Biological Effects of Radiation 7. Radiation Protection 8. Summary
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed4 1 - The Atom Radiation cannot be understood without knowing a little about the structure of the atom, since ultimately all radiation originates inside the atom. The atom resembles a miniature solar system. In the center of the atom is the nucleus, while electrons orbit around it, rather as planets more around the sun. Radiation cannot be understood without knowing a little about the structure of the atom, since ultimately all radiation originates inside the atom. The atom resembles a miniature solar system. In the center of the atom is the nucleus, while electrons orbit around it, rather as planets more around the sun. The nucleus contain almost all of the weight and substance of the atom; it is build up of protons, which are about the same size as a proton but do not carry an electric charge. The nucleus contain almost all of the weight and substance of the atom; it is build up of protons, which are about the same size as a proton but do not carry an electric charge. The electrons in orbit are tiny particles, nearly 2000 times smaller than a proton or a neutron. The inside of the atom is almost all unoccupied space!. The analogy with the solar system? The electrons in orbit are tiny particles, nearly 2000 times smaller than a proton or a neutron. The inside of the atom is almost all unoccupied space!. The analogy with the solar system?
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed5 The Elements The Elements The Isotopes The Isotopes Molecules Molecules
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed6 2 - Atomic Radiation Definition of Atomic Radiation: Definition of Atomic Radiation: It is that radiation which has the capability of ionizing atoms and molecules, and so cause changes which are biologically important. Types of Atomic Radiation: The main are Types of Atomic Radiation: The main are
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed7 1. - Rays
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed8 2. - Rays
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed9 3. - Rays
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed10 4. X - Rays
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed Our Radiation Heritage We can classify natural atomic radiation that we are exposed to either in terms of their sources or their locations in the environment. We can classify natural atomic radiation that we are exposed to either in terms of their sources or their locations in the environment. The Sources of Natural Atomic Radiation are: The Sources of Natural Atomic Radiation are: 1. Cosmic Radiation 2. Cosmogenic Radiation 3. Naturally Radioactive Series 4. Singly occurring Primordial Radionuclies 5. Radioactive Ores and By-products (TENORM) 6. Radon and Its Progeny
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed12 A. Cosmic Radiation A. Cosmic Radiation - Source: Outer Space 1- Primary Cosmic Radiation: - 87 % protons -11 % alpha particles - 2% heavier nuclei & electrons 2- Secondary Cosmic Radiation: - pions, meuons, electrons, photons, protons & neutrons
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed13 B. Radioactivity of the Earth - Mainly ( U-238 series, Th-232 series, K-40 (abundance 0.01% ) ) - In 1 km 3 there is about: 1 ton K-40 T 1/2 = 1.28 X 10 9 yr 4 tons U-238 T 1/2 = 4.47 X 10 9 yr 8 tons Th-232 T 1/2 =14.1X 10 9 yr Rb-87 T 1/2 = 50 X 10 9 yr
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed14 C. Radioactivity of Air -Radon & its daughters ( Lung Dose ) - C-14 (1 in ) T 1/2 = 5730 yr - H-3 T 1/2 = 12.3 yr - Na-22 T 1/2 = 12.6 yr - Be-7 T 1/2 = 53.3 days
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed U 238 U 234 Th 234 Pa 234 U Alpha Decay ( 4 He) 234 Th 234 Pa 234 U Alpha Decay ( 4 He) Beta Decay (e) Beta Decay (e) 230 Th 230 Th 226 Ra 226 Ra 222 Rn 222 Rn 218 Po 218 Po 214 Pb 214 Bi 214 Po 214 Pb 214 Bi 214 Po 218 P b 210 Bi 210 Po 218 P b 210 Bi 210 Po 206 Pb 206 Pb Decay Series of Uranium-238
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed16 D. Radioactivity of Water -Sea water : K-40 -Spring water :U, Th, Ra E. Radioactivity of the Human Body - Comes from food & water consumption - In the body: K-40, Rb-87, Ra-226, U-238, Po-210 & C-14 - In the Skeleton: Ra In Bone: U-238 & Po-210
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed17 4- Man Made Radiation Sources List of Major Man-Made Radiation Sources - Nuclear Particle Accelerators. - Nuclear Reactors. - Isotopic Neutron Sources. - Medical Syringe & Food Sterilization by Radiation. - Electron Beam.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed18 A. Fallout - Debris which settles to the earth as a result of a nuclear blast. - 1 Megatons device can activate up to tons of debris. - These are more than 200 fission products. - Examples: Sr-90 T 1/2 = 28.1 yr Cs-137 T 1/2 = 30 yr I-131 T 1/2 = 8.06 days C-14 T 1/2 = 5730 yr H-3 T 1/2 = 12.3 yr
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed19 B. Consumer Products & Miscellaneous Sources B. Consumer Products & Miscellaneous Sources - Wrist Watches & Alarm Clocks: Ra-226, H-3. - Tobacco Products: Pb-210, Po Building Materials: U, Th, K Combustion of Fuels: Ra-226, Th-232, C-14, K-40, U, …. - Smoke Detectors: Am-241.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed20 Consumer Products & Miscellaneous Sources Consumer Products & Miscellaneous Sources - Porcelain used for making dentures: K-40 doped with U. - Some rose tinted eyeglasses contain up to 0.25 % Th. - Airport Luggage Inspection System uses X-rays. - Television Sets: give soft X-rays.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed Application of Atomic Radiation A. Medicine 1- Radiation Therapy - In the bast: Co-60 - Now: Linear Acceleration up to 23 MeV
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed22 2- Radiology 2- Radiology 3- Nuclear Medicine - I-131, Tc-99m, P-32, Fe-52
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed23 B. Power Production Radioisotope thermoelectric generator (1000 TBq 90 Sr)
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed24 Food irradiator TBq 60 Co C. Agriculture
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed25 D. Weapons
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed26 E. Industrial Application E. Industrial Application -Thickness Gauges: for paper, plastic sheets, tires, pipe, steel, etc.. - Moisture Gauges: for soil, coke, steel making plant. - Density Gauges: for soil compactor, steel making plant. - Level Gauges: water & oil reservoirs. - Radiography: oil pipes in refinery, airoplanes - Mineral Exploration: in oil & mineral exploration.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed27 Moisture-Density Gauges
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed Biological Effects of Radiation How Radiation can Lead to Damage in Tissue Radiation Damage to DNA Cell Death Cell Transformation Early Effect Cancer Physical & Chemical Changes Electrical Effect (Ionization) Hereditary Defects
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed Radiation Protection The three principles of radiation protection: The three principles of radiation protection: Distance Distance Time Time Shielding Shielding
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed Summary Atomic radiation as a phenomenon is as old as the universe itself. It is a normal part of nature and life. At this very moment, thousands of rays are penetrating your body every second. The majority of radiation originates in nature and is totally independent of what man does. Today, our environment also contains a small amount of extra “unnatural” radiation which is caused by the activities of mankind. Atomic radiation as a phenomenon is as old as the universe itself. It is a normal part of nature and life. At this very moment, thousands of rays are penetrating your body every second. The majority of radiation originates in nature and is totally independent of what man does. Today, our environment also contains a small amount of extra “unnatural” radiation which is caused by the activities of mankind.
The Secrets of Atomic Radiation Hadeed31 Thank you