Steps to build trust V andelay I ndustries
Agenda How we build our model Why trust is important? Why do individuals lack trust? Vandelay’s Model Steps to build trust Trust quadrant Where are you? Conclusion
How we build our model Research Analyze data Discussion Personal perception of trust Professional x personal experience
Why trust is important? Promotes creativity Facilitates conflict resolution Empower people Increase teamwork Improves leadership
Why do individuals lack trust? Self preservation Lack of faith Personal history Place a high value on trust Has to be earned, not freely given
Vandelay’s Model TRUST!! Perception AlignmentCommunicateCredibilityLoyalty Fairness Trustworthiness
Trust quadrant Where are you? Adapted from Geof Lory
Conclusion The model is design to be utilized in a two-step process: 1. It needs to be done internally for your self 2. Then externally as a group Perception TRUST !! Alignment Communicate Credibility Loyalty Fairness Trustworthiness
The Face of Trust
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