Typical Sections All graphics taken from Ch 3 of HDM CTC 440
Objectives Know what a typical section is and what may be included in a typical section
Typical Sections Show the physical shape and highway elements to be used when the project is constructed Typical sections are generally included in a set of design plans Several sections may be needed to describe a project
Typical Elements Number and width of lanes/shoulders Thickness of pavement layers Item #’s Payment limits Cut/fill slopes Ditch/gutter/curb/sidewalk locations
Control Lines Show how the typical section is located w/ respect to horizontal/vertical control HCL-horizontal control line TGL-theoretical grade line POR-point of rotation
Lane Width Show typical lane widths
Cross slopes & superelevation Show typical pavt cross slope Show superelevated sections
Pavement Sections Show pavement materials Show thickness of various layers
Superpave New Superpave (from 1999) Old design was the Marshall mix Superpave more complicated (refer to HDM Ch 3 and Pavement Design Manual)
Shoulders Shoulder width/cross slope Rollover limitations Shoulder thickness/materials Conventional (being phased out) ESAL (full-depth Shoulder break (0.7 m) Guide rail placement Lateral Support to the shoulder Delineation ARD-Audible roadway delineators
Clear Zones Distance from edge of traveled way to an actual obstacle or potential hazard. If FO are to be removed typical sections should show clear zone If not practical to provide a reasonable clear zone, a barrier system should be provided
Barriers Guide Rail Box beam Corrugated Cable Concrete Barriers
Medians-width and treatment
Curbs Type Non-mountable Mountable Traversable Combination curb-gutter Asphalt Stone
Gutters Collect runoff Use flattened and widened section for drives
Sidewalks Set back as far as practicable (snow storage, pedestrian space) Thickness (100mm or drives) Materials Concrete Asphalt (short-term) Bricks or pavers (historical/aesthetic)
Embankment (fill) slopes For maintenance and safety--should be flat as possible 1:3 max w/o guide rail 1:2 w/ guide rail
Ditches Show ditch dimensions/slopes Should provide traversable ditches (1:6 down; 1.2m-width; 1:4 out) w/in clear zone If can’t provide traversable ditches consider guide rail (or use professional judgement—guide rails in themselves can potentially be hazardous)
ROW Width Sometimes shown on typical sections
Modifications needing Typical Sections Overlays Cracking & Seating Rubblizing Lane Additions and Widening Miscellaneous Edge drains Adding curbs to existing pavts.