1 The momentum measurement of 2ry particle emitted from neutrino interaction DONUT DEC 10 th -11 th B.D.Park, S.Takahashi and T.Furukawa Nagoya JAPAN
2 Contents 1. Criterion of primary track & how many tracks picked up by the condition 2. The distribution of RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Alignment 3. Scattering distribution 4. Momentum measured ratio as a function of the slope in each module 5. Measured momentum vs. Limit & Momentum measurement error 6. Measured momentum vs. Spectrometer data (μ) 7. Data summary
3 Criterion of primary track and picked up the track 1. should start from vertex point or downstream plate of vertex point 2. consist of segments more than 3 segments (as track definition) 3. Impact parameter less than 5μm => Number of tracks / Number of events 634 / 168
4 Number of tracks vs. IP IP < 5μm 192 tracks μm Number of track Large slope & a low PH
5 RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Alignment Entries RMS(x) RMS(y) Entries 3367 RMS(x) RMS(y) μm For all module For Module 1
6 RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Alignment Entries 1259 RMS(x) RMS(y) Entries 3134 RMS(x) RMS(y) μm For Module 2 For Module 3
7 RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Alignment Entries 857 RMS(x) RMS(y) Entries 499 RMS(x) RMS(y) μm For Module 4 For Module 5
8 RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Alignment Entries 2734 RMS(x) RMS(y) Entries 163 RMS(x) RMS(y) μm For Module 7 For Module 8
9 Scattering distribution Bulk Entries 1049 ECC 200 Entries 985 ECC 800 Entries 495
10 Momentum measured ratio as a function of the slope tan θ Number of track Probability Entries 491 measured track tried track tan θ
11 Momentum measured ratio as a function of the slope Entries 75Entries 88 Entries 91 Entries 59
12 Momentum measured ratio as a function of the slope Entries 30 Entries 130 Entries 18
13 In each module Entries 69 Entries 66 Entries 48 Entries 26
14 In each module Entries 19Entries 88 Entries 8
15 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 290 (P < Limit)
16 Momentum measurement error
17 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 66 (P < Limit)
18 Momentum measurement error
19 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 34 (P < Limit)
20 Momentum measurement error
21 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) Entries 62 (P < Limit)
22 Momentum measurement error
23 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 25 (P < Limit)
24 Momentum measurement error
25 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 16 (P < Limit)
26 Momentum measurement error
27 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 83 (P < Limit)
28 Momentum measurement error
29 Measured momentum vs. Limit (Limit : maximum detectable momentum ) entries 4 (P < Limit)
30 Momentum measurement error
31 Measured momentum vs. Spectrometer (μ) 14 track
32 Summary Ⅰ Number of Measured tracks 47 Too short tracks 90 Not enough plate ( below the plate#10) 3 No Track 2 No map file 124 Not good alignment (RMS for High-Energy tracks after Fine-Align less than 1μm)
33 Summary Ⅰ - 2
34 Summary Ⅱ