"First in 2009" Advancing the Vision Report of the "First in 2009" Coordinating Council Board of Trustees April 19, 2001
Pamela Fox, Chair Curt Ellison Dennis Roberts Carolyn Haynes Gus Jones Phyllis Callahan Lee Sanders Kevin McNeilly Rich Taylor Allan Winkler Cheryl Evans Bill Snavely Diane Delisio Susan Mosley-Howard Carolyn Hadgikosti Don Seymour [Matt Wray] Members of the Coordinating Council
Function of the Coordinating Council Serve as coordinating hub of completed reports and consultants’ studies Advance "First in 2009" goals Focus and facilitate campus-wide discussion Disseminate and build upon results of discussions through synthesis and prioritization
Coordinating Council Focus and Facilitate Initiated discussion of significant completed reports and correlated to "First in 2009" Goals: Student Expectations and Assessment, Ad Hoc Advising Committee, Liberal Education 95% response rate –41/44 Departments + regional campuses –3/6 Interdisciplinary Programs –6/6 Committees –Doctoral Programs –University Libraries
Student Expectations and Assessment Report How can we best preserve and enhance Miami’s strong educational experience? How can Miami use assessment and grading practices to increase students’ learning? How can we set high expectations, communicate them clearly, and provide students the appropriate support to meet them?
Coordinating Council Disseminate and Synthesize Responses received December 1, 2000 and discussed at retreat of Coordinating Council and COAD on December 13, 2000 Summary presentation prepared and presented at Provost’s Breakfast (Jan. 16, 2001); President’s Executive Council (Jan. 24, 2001); Faculty Assembly (Jan. 30, 2001); Alumni Association (Feb. 12, 2001); University Senate (Mar. 19, 2001); Foundation Board (April 6, 2001)
Ongoing Engagement Responses from departments, committees, and individuals display energy and innovation Significant response from the Alumni Board Feedback from Student "First in 2009" ambassadors
The process revealed questions Who can affect change? Does the university community understand and agree upon the relationship between our mission, the "First in 2009" vision, and resource allocation?
Leadership Reconsidered: Engaging Higher Education in Social Change “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Faculty Beliefs Constraining Beliefs Students are not motivated No time My role is to transfer disciplinary knowledge Student Affairs can’t be trusted in academic matters Been there/done that/ nothing changes Empowering Beliefs Students should engage in decision making Faculty are the stewards of the institution We can make change through collective action Faculty take an institutional perspective in solving problems
Student Affairs Constraining Beliefs I’m a second class citizen Student affairs professionals are “service providers” rather than educators Learning happens mainly in the classroom Empowering Beliefs I’m a full partner with faculty in promoting the holistic development of students Learning occurs outside the classroom as well as within
Students Constraining Beliefs No time Faculty don’t value my contributions This campus doesn’t care about students Fragmentation exists among student groups Empowering Beliefs I can make a difference on campus as a responsible citizen Students are major stakeholders Students are viewed as change agents Students build coalitions toward shared vision
Alumni Constraining Beliefs Faculty don’t value alumni Nothing to share Can’t afford to donate Can’t return to Oxford Redskin forever Empowering Beliefs Faculty value alumni resources All experiences are valuable and may be shared without returning to Oxford Dollars are not the only contribution Redhawks represent the same Miami
Mission, Vision, Resources Is our active co-curricular life a valued enrichment or a social distraction? Should we clarify the relationship between research and teaching? Are we raising the bar without support? Should we value and support our graduate programs more highly? How can we enrich liberal education and maintain excellence in professional programs?
Rich Intellectual Climate Diversity Residential Campus Individualized Educational Experiences Liberal Education Professional Education Undergraduate Graduate Teaching Research Curricular Co-Curricular
Synthesized Responses: Coordinating Council & Provost’s Goals
"First in 2009" Goal 1: Strengthen the Academic Qualifications of Entering Students Strengthen and Coordinate Enrollment Planning: Receive and strategize preliminary reports from 6 working committees of the Enrollment Planning Committee by June 2001 (Recruitment of International Undergraduate Students, Role of Transfer Students, Recruitment of High Ability Students, Recruitment and Retention of Minority Students, Analysis of Internal/External Enrollment Management Flow between Academic Divisions, Recruitment and Retention of Graduate Students)
"First in 2009" Goal 1: Strengthen the Academic Qualifications of Entering Students Strengthen Honors Programs : Continue to strengthen university honors program and enhance divisional/departmental honors. Implement new Oxford Scholars program.
"First in 2009" Goal 2: Strengthen the Academic Qualifications of New Faculty and Academic Support for All Faculty Clarify and communicate criteria for promotion and tenure: develop clearer criteria for research/creative expectations and develop multiple measures for evaluation of teaching and student learning; update departmental teaching plans (April 2002). Coordinate and enhance faculty development efforts and determine if the current OAST structure is ideal (April 2002).
"First in 2009" Goal 2: Strengthen the Academic Qualifications of New Faculty and Academic Support for All Faculty Consider targeted enhancements to graduate faculty and offer more support for research/creative efforts. Continue mentoring programs for probationary faculty. Revise procedures for evaluating administrators by December 2001.
"First in 2009" Goal 3: Develop a Curriculum for the 21st Century Implement a new scholars program for honors students by August 2001 (640 students by 2004). Review Miami Plan courses and the broad curriculum to assess student learning outcomes through departmental/program discussions (May 2002) Expand multicultural and international content of courses across the curriculum: approve US Cultures Requirement (June 30, 2001) and utilize preliminary report from University Multicultural Council Curriculum Reform/Campus Transformation group (May 1, 2001)
"First in 2009" Goal 3: Develop a Curriculum for the 21st Century Create a university center for writing excellence and a writing-across-the-curriculum plan. Implement online course registration (Fall 2002) and increase availability of over-enrolled courses (June 2002). Develop plan for expansion of engineering and technology programs (preliminary June 30, 2001, final to Board of Trustees by June 30, 2002) Plan Voice of America programming. Pursue suggestions from the Liberal Education Council subcommittees in response to external review of the Miami Plan.
"First in 2009" Goal 4: Strengthen Academic Standards and Enrich Campus Intellectual and Cultural Life Develop departmental guidelines for assessment and grading (May 2002). Continue departmental discussions about student expectations and intellectual rigor. “Rightsize” classroom experiences by considering best pedagogical practices. Create a joint plan between Academic and Student Affairs to enhance curricular/co-curricular synergy and coordinate advising.
"First in 2009" Goal 4: Strengthen Academic Standards and Enrich Campus Intellectual and Cultural Life Affirm the significance of graduate programs and highlight the synergistic relationship between our undergraduate and graduate programs. Develop specific initiatives to strengthen the first-year experience and offer first-year seminars across the curriculum. Continue to implement CAWC programming. Implement Provost’s Academic Achievement Awards (May 2001). Increase Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program (24% per year; 200 students by Fall 2003).
"First in 2009" Goal 4: Strengthen Academic Standards and Enrich Campus Intellectual and Cultural Life Complete the Integrated Arts Plan (June 2001). Develop a plan strategizing Libraries’ Membership in the Association of Research Libraries (by June 30, 2006). Work with the Liberal Education Council to enhance foundation courses, improve communications and streamline processes.
"First in 2009" Goal 5: Increase the Diversity of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body Establish University Multicultural Council and four working subcommittees (1.Advisory to CAWC; 2.Curriculum Reform/Campus Transformation; 3.Climate; 4.Advancing the University Diversity Plan.) Increase the number of faculty/staff minorities by filling 10-12% of open positions each year Increase the numbers of minority students by 5-7% each year to reach 10% minority enrollment by Fall 2003 Increase the number of international undergraduate students by 10% each year.
"First in 2009" Goal 6: Enhance the Campus, Buildings and Systems Develop plan for computing infrastructure. Complete building renovation for CAWC by Fall 2002 and complete search for a Director. Develop plan for a Writing Center. Implement VOA Center (secure construction funds by July 2002). Develop renovation plan for Brill Science Library (June 30, 2001). Complete Phase 1 of McGuffey Museum renovation and continue planning for future renovation and programming. Complete planning and programming phase for the new Center for the Arts. Initiate planning for improved facilities for the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
"First in 2009" Goal 7: Strengthen University Revenue Base Increase research grant/contract support by 10% per year. Increase instructional grant support by 5% per year. Develop other revenue streams (Continuing Education, Distance Learning, Summer Workshops, etc.) Deepen the level of engagement of the academic community by improving knowledge of the process of revenue enhancement (through development and extramural grant support)
"First in 2009" Goal 8: Improve Benchmarking with Peer Institutions Identify university-level peer institutions by category Identify university-level aspirational institutions Continue department-based benchmarking as a valuable concept, focused on outcomes and program improvement.
Responses from the Alumni Board How can alumni best preserve and enhance Miami’s strong educational experience? +Provide financial support +Provide partnerships for in- and out- of-classroom opportunities +Stay informed about Miami and maintain an active presence in students’ lives +Keep students informed about the Alumni Association
Responses from the Alumni Board How can alumni support increased student learning through assessment and grading? +Relate grading/assessment to real-world career experiences +Invoke real-world appraisal systems for projects +Provide paid internships to place students in a real-world economy
Responses from the Alumni Board How can alumni support the University’s efforts to set high expectations? +Provide mentoring programs and externship opportunities to reinforce workplace standards of excellence +Be a resource of career counseling +Reinforce existing traditions and help in developing new traditions
Responses from Student "First in 2009" Ambassadors What special educational opportunities have you had that set Miami apart from other universities? +International opportunities +Lectures, concerts, museum, Diwali festival +Laws Hall Program +Faculty care about us, spend time +Emphasis on leadership +Summer Reading program +Strong residence life programs
Responses from Student "First in 2009" Ambassadors Make a wish list of things that could make your time here better. +Better technology assistance +Better tutoring +Better advising +Increased diversity +More faculty teaching smaller classes +Extended library hours +Consistency of expectations in multi-section courses
Responses from Student "First in 2009" Ambassadors How could your coursework have been better enhanced by extra-curricular activities? +Receive credit for pursuing extra-curricular activities such as lectures and concerts +Improve time management skills
Next Steps May 2 retreat with Coordinating Council and COAD Strategize recommendations from Comprehend “nested communities”
Next Steps Plan new phase of discussions for Fall 2002 via Coordinating Council Continue "First in 2009" as an evolutionary process to build upon our strategic advantages
Conclusions Generated significant engagement of the Miami University community with "First in 2009" (95% of faculty, alumni and student response) Fostered a culture of holistic university consideration of our future as an institution