You need to sign up for a GIS workshop. There are 4 workshops, all from 6:30-8:00 PM (extended for those participating in sports until 8:30PM): Tuesday 9/16, Thursday 9/18, Tuesday 9/23, Wednesday 9/24 Send with top 3 choices to by Friday September 12.
Workshops will be held in the Libraries’ Digital Instruction Resource Center (DIRC), room 14N-132. Room 132 is in the northeast corner (upper left in the map) of Building 14.
The assignment will be distributed during the workshop and is due in class on Friday, September 26. For help outside of the workshop, or stop by the GIS Lab in Rotch Library. Office hours are help from 12:30 - 4PM Monday through Thursday. All data from your workshop problem will be available on GIS Lab machines.