Library Instruction for All: Exploring Ways to Accommodate All Learning Styles in and out of the Classroom Vivienne Piroli Reference/Instruction Librarian Simmons College Libraries, Boston, MA LOEX 2003 Reflective Teaching - A Bridge to Learning
Knowledge versus Understanding Learning - a complex process Develop support networks - professional literature - conferences - workshops - staff development Create, implement, and refine processes
Bibliographic Instruction Group (BIG) - peer coaching - think tank - resources exchange Goals - seek and create instruction opportunities - establish baseline skills, concepts, and capabilities
Instruction Opportunities - reference desk - research appointments - online tutorials and research aids - and bulletin boards - course management software - workshops - classroom instruction
Identifying Instruction Opportunities - reference appointments - reference desk transactions - using digital reference software for virtual instruction - extending print guides to an online medium - classroom teaching
Baseline abilities - challenges - computer literacy - part-time and distance students - lack of a curriculum based information literacy program - campus organizational changes - generations x and y
David Kolb Experiential Learning - Concrete Experience - Reflective Observation - Abstract Conceptualization - Active Experimentation
Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualization Process PerceptionPerception AccomodatorDiverger AssimilatorConverger Kolb’s Model
Divergers - “Why?” Assimilators - “What is there to know?” Convergers - “How?” Accomodators - “What would happen if I did this?”
Multidisciplinary Core Course - first year, two semester course - 18 students per section - 18 sections - 80 minutes twice weekly - writing, research, and critical thinking skills
Librarians conducted MCC research workshops in spring semester In 2000 librarians given additional class in fall semester - Library Jeopardy is born! Friendly introduction to the library, its staff, resources and services Consisted of a self-guided library tour followed by a game of library jeopardy
Self-guided tour - 13 colorful posters throughout the library - tone colloquial - offered information on topics such as -- searching the catalog -- how to print -- why you need an ID in the library -- top ten questions to ask at the Reference desk
Index cards with MCC related topics Handout of LC Call Numbers and Subjects and their locations within the Beatley Library
Workshops - 80 minutes per section - held in computer classroom - faculty in attendance - librarian and rover leading session
Active learning techniques Fun with Boolean! Brainstorming & concept mapping Organizing ideas
Web-based Course Guide
MCC students hard at work Diverger? Assimilator? Converger? Accomodator?
Live Digital Reference - AskNow Software allowed for: - chat - co-browsing - application sharing - streaming video - voice over IP
Potential as a teaching tool - extend traditional desk service - ability to chat transcript to patron - guide patrons through Web and database searches - highlight suitable print resources - use digitized versions of library handouts and guides
User end
Librarian end
Transcript is saved as a text file and...
Sent via to the address in the call info box.
Handouts in a variety of formats
Reference interview - a problem solving opportunity Librarians’ behavior and actions relating to student learning Understanding learning styles increases understanding of student behavior
With students at their workstation
Reference Interview - teachable moment