1 Banco do Brasil 1Q07 Results Banco do Brasil 1Q07 Results
2 2,343 1, ,248 1,409 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q Net Income Δ=12.9% Δ= 50.2%¹ R$ million (1) Change over recurring net income Net Income ROE (Annualized) - % Recurring Net Income Recurring ROE (Annualized) - %
3 Net Interest Income 1Q063Q064Q061Q072Q06 R$ million 4,406 4,312 4,403 4,8554,852 3,521 5, ,486 3,283 5, ,898 3,405 5, ,693 3,274 5, ,631 3,043 6, ,798 Expenses Securities LoansOthers NII
4 Net Interest Margin (1) Net Interest Income over earning Assets NIM Annualized¹ - %Selic Rate Annualized - % AgribusinessesBusinessesIndividuals Annualized NIM by Loan Portfolio - % 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q Q062Q063Q064Q061Q
5 R$ billion Loan Portfolio BusinessesAgribusinessesIndividualsAbroad 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q Δ % Over 1Q064Q
6 R$ billion Loan Portfolio - Individuals Car LoansCredit CardOverdraft AccountPayroll LoansOthers 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q Δ % Over 1Q064Q (0.4)
7 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q07 BB Banking Industry BB Credit Risk Average Risk - % Required Provision over Past Due Loans + 90 days - %
8 Delinquency and Provision for Credit Risk (1) Average Portfolio and Expenses of the past 12 months Provision Expense - R$ million Provision Expense over Loan Portfolio¹ - % 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q07 Provision over Loan Portfolio - % Past Due Loans + 15 days over Loan Portfolio - % Past Due Loans + 60 days over Loan Portfolio - % 1,345 1,757 1,385 1,257 1, Q062Q063Q064Q061Q
9 Credit Risk Provisions Breakdown R$ million Required ProvisionAdditional ProvisionTotal Provision 7,662 8,209 7,238 7,551 6, ,397 1, ,414 8,757 8,635 9,133 7,731 Mar/06Jun/06Sep/06Dec/06Mar/07
10 DepositsDeposits R$ billion Mar/06Jun/06Sep/06Dec/06Mar/07 Saving DepositsDemand DepositsTime DepositsOthers Δ % Over 1Q064Q (2.2) (11.2)
11 Fee Income R$ million ProductsCustomersOthers 1Q06 1, Q06 1, Q06 1, Q06 1, Q07 1, ,103 2,246 2,252 2,287 2,377 Δ % Over 1Q064Q (3.3)
12 AUM - R$ billion Q Q Q Q Q07 IndividualsBusinesses Q Q Q Q Q Market Share - % Customers and Asset Management Customers - thousand Δ=5.7% Δ=14.1%
13 Value Added¹ - R$ million InsuranceInsurance 236 1Q Q Q Q Q07 (1) Includes equity income, fee income, brokerage and asset management income Δ=4.8% Δ=33.7%
14 Credit Cards (1) Includes fee income, financing income, equity income and others Q Q Q Q Q07 Δ= - 8.9% Δ=15.1% Value Added¹ - R$ million
15 Credit Cards 9.2 1Q Q Q Q Q07 Revenues¹ - R$ billion Credit Cards - million (1) Includes Credit Cards and Debit Cards Δ= - 0.9% Δ=20.5%
16 Administrative Expenses R$ million (1) Legal risk is not included. 1,781 1,331 1Q06 1,839 1,383 2Q06 1,804 1,378 3Q06 1,846 1,516 4Q06 1,748 1,401 1Q07 Personnel Expenses¹Other Administrative Expenses¹ 3,156 3,2533,216 3,396 3,186 Δ % Over 1Q064Q (6.2) 5.2 (7.6) (1.8) (5.3)
Q Q Q Q Q07 EmployeesInterns BranchesOthers Human Resources and Logistics Points of Service - thousand Workforce - thousand 1Q Q Q Q Q
18 Productivity Ratio Fee IncomePersonnel Expenses Coverage Ratio¹ - % R$ million 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q07 2,103 2,246 2,252 2,287 2,377 1,876 2,001 1,945 2,050 1,859 (1) Year to Date
Administrative ExpensesOperating Income Productivity Ratio Efficiency Ratio¹ - % R$ million 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q07 3,237 3,451 3,443 3,614 3,325 6,726 7,978 7,064 7,138 7,532 (1) Year to Date
20 Hybrid Private Label: from 68 thousand cards in Dec/06 to 155 thousand in Mar/07. Five new partnerships with retailers in 2007, totaling 18; Contracts reached R$ 16 million with R$ 1.7 million disbursed in less than two months; Disbursements expectation until year’s end: R$ 650 million; Own Portfolio: estimated to be implemented in the 2H07. Retail Strategies Partnerships with Retailers Car loans Mortgage Loans 694 formalized agreements (car dealers and multibrand); Localiza: R$ 28 million contracted in 1,4 thousand operations; Other partners: R$ 50 million contracted in 2.5 thousand operations in the 1Q07.
21 Investor Relations Unit SBS - Quadra 1 - Bloco C - Ed. Sede III - 5° floor Brasília (DF) Phone: 55 (61) Fax: 55 (61) Disclaimer Disclaimer - This presentation contains references and statements, planned synergies, increasing estimates, projections of results and future strategy for Banco do Brasil, it’s Associated and Affiliated Companies and Subsidiaries. Although these references and statements reflect the management’s belief, it also involves imprecision and high difficult risks to be foreseen, consequently, it may conduct to a different result than the one anticipated here. These expectations are highly depended on market conditions, on the Brazilian economic performance, on the sector and the international market. Banco do Brasil is not responsible for bringing up to date any estimate in this presentation. For further information access