BUDGET 2011 INCOME Proposal 2011 Budget 2010 Results 2009 Membership (1) Bank interest Publications (includes royalties) Annual Conference (2) 8000 Projects & special activities (3) Other incomes 1800 (4) Total Balance (1)Based on results potential new industrial members (2)SEFI-IGIP Conference (3)Almost nothing foreseen for 2010, but for income for Deans Conference (4)Includes ECTNA, EUCEET Ass.and ECEENA for SEFI address (increased) SEFI General Assembly21.IX.2010
EXPENDITURE - 1 Proposal 2011 Budget 2010Results 2009 Personnel (includes insurance & pension scheme) Membership 85 Rent and charges Secretariat functioning costs Bookkeeping SEFI car Bank cost & tax on interests PR & marketing activities Printing works (5) 313 Publications (incl. EJEE) External missions Working Groups Web maintenance and development (5) Because biennial report to be published in 2010 SEFI General Assembly 21.IX.2010
EXPENDITURE - 2 Proposal 2011 Budget 2010 Results 2009 Miscellaneous 839 Auditing President AC & Bureau meetings Annual Conference & GA (6) Projects & Special activities (8) (7) New initiatives (9) Total (6)Includes initial costs for preparation of Annual Conference 2010 (7)Includes membership fees in associations (see next page) (8)Very difficult to predict – estimated on the basis of what we know now (see next page) (9)This item targeted to finance new initiatives to enhance SEFI attractiveness SEFI General Assembly 21-IX.2010
SEFI active participation in: TTN2011 (?), EUGENE T2 year 2, ESMU EU-Drivers, IFEES Hq (?), IACEE Hq (?), Erasmus Mundus (PhDs), ECCE year 2 + final conference organisation, ECDEEAST, QUEECA Activities: SEFI-IGIP TF, Subscription fees (ENAEE, EUA, IACEE, IFEES, ASEE) Many thanks for your attention.