E DUCATION S YSTEM Done By: Chen Si Hao Donovan Goh Seow Jing Ye Garreth Lee
C OMPARISON OF S INGAPORE ’ S EDUCATION SYSTEM TO A FOREIGN SYSTEM Switzerland Reason There are striking similarities and vast differences Education system is very diversified and decentralised
I NTRODUCTION TO S WITZERLAND ’ S EDUCATION SYSTEM Education Structure: Kindergarten Kindergarten (usually for kids at age 5 and 6) Primarschule Primarschule (Elementary school 1st to 6th grade) Oberstufenschule Oberstufenschule (Elementary school 7th to 9th grade) Gymnasium Gymnasium (Long term secondary school, 6½ years) Berufslehre Berufslehre (Apprenticeship) Gymnasium Gymnasium (Short term secondary school, 4½ years) Abendtechnikum Abendtechnikum (Evening college) Fachhochschule Fachhochschule (Technical college) Maturitätsschule Maturitätsschule (similar to secondary school) Universität Universität (University) Erwerbsleben und Weiterbildung ("Businesslife" and further education)
S IMILARITIES (C OUNTRIES ) Population 7.5 million in Switzerland vs 5 million in Singapore Ageing Population Both countries experience this crisis Fewer youths and fewer students
S IMILARITIES (C OUNTRIES ) Resources Both have limited natural resources Hence both countries place a strong emphasis on their education
D IFFERENCES (C OUNTRIES ) Race Switzerland: 1 race with 3 languages Singapore: 4 races with 1 common language Led to the difference in the education system
S IMILARITIES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Kindergarten Children are not required to attend Kindergarten but most children do go to Kindergarten Compulsory primary education Switzerland: 9 years Singapore: 6 years
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Curriculum In Switzerland, this is controlled by cantons (state of the Swiss Federation) Education may vary significantly between cantons This can turn moving with children between cantons into a nightmare Diverse education system
C ANTONAL S CHOOL S YSTEM Canton Years of Kindergarten Years of Kindergarten provided Years of Kindergarten legally required Length of Primary School Length of mandatory Secondary School Separate Secondary Schools? Integrated Secondary Schools? Basel-Stadt22245YesNo Schwyz11163NoYes Valais10063YesNo Nidwalden22163NoYes Ticino33054YesNo Fribourg21 or 20 or 263Yes Uri11063NoYes
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Curriculum In Singapore, it is strictly controlled and set by the Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Controls the development and administration of state schools Decides the core curriculum
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Language Due to the racial characteristics of Switzerland, 3 languages can be taught Some cantons start to teach the first foreign language at fourth grade, while others start at seventh grade Each canton decides on the native language, foreign language and second foreign language
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Language In Singapore, all students have to study English as their first language Students are allowed to study their Mother Tongue Language (Eg Mandarin, Malay, Tamil) Students can study a third language as well
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) University In Switzerland, the university is for the minority In Singapore, most of the students enter university
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Apprenticeship In Switzerland, presence of apprenticeship Apprenticeships include technician, carpenter, baker, office worker, secretary, bookkeeper etc. Apprentice will get trained at a company or organization, but also attend school for one or two days a week. In Singapore, absence of apprenticeship
D IFFERENCES (E DUCATION S YSTEM ) Secondary Schools In Switzerland, there are various types of secondary schools, ranging from schools that specialise in science and math, modern language, ancient language, economics, music and the arts In Singapore, schools teach all subjects without specialising in one except one or two schools which specialise in science and technology or music and the arts
C OMPARING S INGAPORE ’ S EDUCATION SYSTEM – P AST AND P RESENT PastPresent Primary Education was optional Primary Education was compulsory after 2000 under the Compulsory Education Act Absence of main language of instruction English designated the first language and main language of instruction within the local education system in 1987
C OMPARING S INGAPORE ’ S EDUCATION SYSTEM – P AST AND P RESENT PastPresent Absence of Gifted Education Programme (GEP) Gifted Education Programme introduced in 1984 No streaming Streaming from 1980 onwards No PSLE PSLE introduced in 1993 No Normal(Technical) course Normal(Technical) course introduced in 1994
Lack of bilingualism policy Bilingualism policy introduced in 1966 ‘Education for Living’ at Primary level & ‘Civics’ at Secondary level New Moral Education programme from 1981 onwards Religious knowledge Civics and Moral Education from 1992 onwards First few independent schools set up in 1988 Autonomous schools set up in 1992