Conceptual Model by Aaron Garrett and David Thornton Mindstorms Internet Control Environment
Hardware Requirements The LegoMICE system requires a modern web browser that is Java enabled. In addition, port 6620 must be available. Any firewall settings must be bypassed in order to use the system.
Lexicon Acrobot - A robot designed to flip and twist during movements. Typically, this robot has only touch sensors. Event Gallery - A set of "snapshots" of a session for the robot. These snapshots are taken at the request of the user (by adding appropriate NQC statements to the code). They are compiled and presented as either a zip file or a PDF document. LegoMICE - Lego Mindstorms Internet Control Environment. The name for the full system that allows users to program a mobile Lego Mindstorms robot. NQC - Not Quite C. The programming language that students will use to program the robot. It is very similar in syntax to C, but has special functions for controlling a Lego Mindstorms robot (such as turning motors on, getting sensory input, etc.). Roverbot - A robot designed to roam around an environment in an exploratory fashion. Typically, this robot has touch and light sensors.
Login Screen The user visits and sees the LegoMICE login screen. If the user has already registered, he or she inputs a JSU address and password. If not, he or she clicks on the Register link.
Log-in Page
Register The user enters his or her name and JSU address. Once the "Register" button is clicked, the address is checked against a database of all JSU students. If it is valid, an is sent to that address with the appropriate password.
Registration Page
Choose Mouse After a successful login, the user is presented with a set of robots which he or she may control. Each robot also displays the approximate waiting time to take control.
Choose Mouse Page
LegoMICE Control Applet After choosing a robot, the user is presented with a Java applet with 3 tabs - Analyze, Implement, and Test. In addition, this applet displays a visual representation of the waiting line. The user is able to view all other users waiting for the robot. Also, the user may click on another user's icon in order to start chatting with them.
The Analyze Tab The Analyze tab allows the user to view the details of the current robot (such as sensors and motors) and environment (such as the current goal and obstacles). The user may click on the conceptual drawings of the robot and the environment to get additional details.
Analyze Tab
The Implement Tab The Implement tab allows the user to write and compile NQC programs that can later be downloaded to the robot. If compiler errors are generated, they are displayed below the code window. In addition, sample code is displayed on the left side in a drop-down list box which may be copied and pasted into their own code. Helpful links are displayed on the right side (dealing with the NQC programming language). When the user is in control of the robot and their code compiles correctly, they are given the option of downloading it to the robot. This automatically takes them to the Test tab.
Implement Tab
The Test Tab The Test tab allows the user to run and stop a current program on the robot. If the user has included code to generate an event gallery, the gallery may be downloaded from this screen after a run. The "Run" and "Stop" buttons, as well as the event galleries, are only available to the user who is currently in control of the robot. All other users may watch the robot's progress through a constantly updating webcam image. However, they have no control over the run.
Test Tab