Expansion & Review Committees “Expanding 4-H Youth Development for the Next Generation” Adapted from University of Illinois 4-H Expansion & Review Committee fact sheets Western Region 4-H Institute 2009 Sarah Chvilicek
Expansion & Review Committee Roles Ensures 4-H programs practice nondiscrimination and equal opportunity Promotes 4-H involvement Raises awareness of available 4-H Youth Development Programs among all potential audiences Advocates for underserved and underrepresented populations
Determines needs and directions of current 4-H YDP (complimentary with state and national policies) Ensures that 4-H YDP is relevant, current, and has an impact on local needs Assists with identifying potential volunteers or volunteer roles Roles, cont.
Develops program marketing plans Designs program features Critically reviews progress toward program goals Meets Federal requirements and keeps Extension above reproach and accountable to local citizens Roles, cont.
E&R Committee Membership Representative of county demographics – use census data At least 1/3 youth members No set number of members required; typically members It is also helpful to have a representative from your 4-H Leaders’ Council on the committee
E&R Committee Membership Responsive to and supportive of the essential elements of Positive Youth Development Selected/appointed in consultation with County Director or Extension Educator Functions as a separate entity from other committees or associations (not a regular 4-H meeting)
E&R Committee Meetings Held anytime of year Schedule depends upon local needs The number of meetings depends on local/state requirements Consider your E&R committee as an opportunity to grow – ongoing meetings Minutes to include committee demographics, should/must be taken and kept on file in County Extension Office
E & R Committee Meeting Agenda Items Items to consider when planning your Expansion & Review
Agenda, cont. Icebreaker & Introductions Orientation to E & R Committee –Common vision and purpose –Expectations –Review components of Positive Youth Development –Review of applicable federal and state laws regarding… Equal Opportunity Nondiscrimination Affirmative Action –Establish goals
Agenda, cont. Gather data for Community market analysis –Geographic boundaries –Census data –Demographics –Community youth-serving organizations/services and existing partnerships –Projected residential growth and development
Agenda, cont. Gather data for 4-H Market Analysis –Charts of 4-H participation (gender, age, race, tenure, special needs, rural-urban balance) – from ES-237 data –Note: this can also be used as an information tool to share 4-H data internally (4-H Council, Leaders), and externally (community presentations, funding sources)
Agenda, cont. Brainstorm ideas for sub-committees –Club-based 4-H program –School enrichment –Out of School programs –Community-based program 4-H Participation Surveys –Those completing 4-H tenure –Those not re-enrolling
Agenda, cont. Set priorities for 4-H Youth Programs –List programs currently offered –Training offered –Cost per program per participant –Youth/adults reached –Resources available
Agenda, cont. Appraise each program against a set of evaluation questions such as… –To what extent does it fulfill the 4-H mission? –Does it address the needs of youth in our county? –How well does it develop youth life skills? –Are volunteers able and available to implement this program? –Are youth significantly involved in this program? –Does the program meet the essential elements of positive youth development?
Agenda, cont. Establish goals for 4-H expansion Recognition of committee members’ contributions Evaluation of committee process and implementation plan
Educator Roles with E&R Comm. Suggest options for future 4-H program growth Advise committee on relevant state and national 4-H policies Ensure positive youth development opportunities exist for all youth Report results to County Director/Extension Educator Prepare E&R Committee information to share during county reviews/audits
Why Does This Matter? Think of Expansion & Review as an opportunity to ensure that the 4-H program is progressive in addressing the needs of youth today and prepares them for a dynamic future Policy Makers also see the value of Expansion & Review Committees when identifying funding/revenue streams
Why cont. Consider your Expansion & Review Committee as more than a requirement and frame it in the context of: It is the Right Thing To Do Thank you!