Oracle 8 Training PL/SQL
What is PL/SQL? PL/SQL stands for "Procedural Language extensions to SQL”. PL/SQL look very similar to the SQL language but it adds the programming constructs similar to other languages.
PL/SQL Block DECLARE /* Declarative section: variables, types, and local subprograms. */ BEGIN /* Executable section: procedural and SQL statements go here. */ /* This is the only section of the block that is required. */ EXCEPTION /* Exception handling section: error handling statements go here. */ END;
PL/SQL Engine
Language constructs in PL/SQL Variables and constants Cursors Exceptions
Advantages of PL/SQL PL/SQL is a completely portable, high-performance transaction processing language that offers the following advantages: support for SQL support for object-oriented programming better performance higher productivity full portability tight integration with Oracle security
Fundamentals - Comments PL/SQL is case insensitive, that is uppercase is treated the same as lowercase. We have two ways to comment code. 1a. We can use the double '-' to comment a single line of code. Everything after the -- is ignored until the end of the line. e.g.. -- Function to calculate sales commission. IF sales > 0 THEN commission := sales * 0.1; END IF;
Fundamentals - Comments We have two ways to comment code. 1b. We can also place our comment on a line that contains code to be executed. e.g.. IF sales > 0 THEN commission := sales * 0.1; -- The % commission is hard coded to 10 percent. END IF;
Fundamentals - Comments 2. Now when we want to comment multiple lines within PL/SQL we can use the following characters /* */. Everything between these characters is ignored and treated as a comment. e.g. /* Procedure: update_balance Author: CTS Description: Test Procedure */
Identifiers An identifier is the name for a PL/SQL object. Objects e.g. : Variables,Constants PL/SQL identifiers must start with a letter, cannot contain spaces, may contain the following characters $, _, and #. The maximum length of an identifier is 30 characters.
Reserved Words Naming variables: Avoid the following : BEGIN, END, IF, ELSE, END IF, WHILE, LOOP, OPEN, CLOSE, FETCH Literal: A literal is a value which is not represented by an identifier. A literal con be composed of numbers eg. 123, , Strings eg. 'Hello World’ and Boolean values eg. TRUE and FALSE.
The Statement Delimiter Every PL/SQL program consists of many statements. Our statements are terminated with the ';' character. An end of line is not the end of a statement, look at our IF-THEN statement as an example. eg. IF sales > 0 THEN commission := sales * 0.1; END IF;
The Statement Delimiter Our first semicolon terminates the single statement commission := sales * 0.1 and the second semicolon terminated the IF-THEN-END-IF statement. The same piece of code could be written like this e.g. IF sales > 0 THEN commission := sales * 0.1; END IF; Functionally the two statements are identical, the first is much more preferred for readability.
Declaring Variables A constant is a special kind of variable, it has a datatype and its value is set at creation. When choosing a variable name… 1. choose one that resembles as close as possible the purpose of the variable 2. always try to use a readable name. PL/SQL allows the use of the underscore character '_' so it is very easy to create readable names.
Declaring Variables All constants and variables contain a datatype. It is this datatype that determined the storage format, the restrictions on how the variable can be used and what values the variable may contain. A scalar datatype is atomic, this means that it is not made up of other datatypes. Scalar datatypes belong to one of four types: Number, Character, Boolean and Date datatypes. Initialized to Null
Variable Declarations Before you can reference a variable, it must be first defined. When you declare the variable PL/SQL allocates memory to the storage of the variable. The syntax for the declaration of variables is as follows. variable_name datatype [optional assignment]; eg. Age_of_student number := 16;
Variable Declarations Our declarations can be bounded or unbounded. This means we can specify the magnitude of the value that can be assigned to the variable. Our Number variable supports up to 38 digits, if unbounded PL/SQL will allocate all the memory that is required to store up 38 digits. If we bound the variable by using number(2), then PL/SQL will only allocate the memory to store the two digits.
Anchored Declarations Anchoring variables refers to the using of the %TYPE declaration. What PL/SQL is doing is anchoring the datatype of one variable to that of another data structure, generally that of a column of a table. The benefit of anchoring datatypes of variables in PL/SQL programs with database columns is when the underlying declarations change, the PL/SQL code does not require modifications. e.g.FirstName employee.fname%type;
Tips for using Variables Always use clear names and try to establish a naming convention for different types of variables. Avoid recycling variables. Read this statements as NEVER recycle variables. Reusing variable names within the sample PL/SQL program can cause more problems than you could ever imagine. Just try to debug one some day!. Use named constants wherever possible and avoid the use of hard coded values.
Tips for using Variables Remove unused variables from your PL/SQL programs. Most PL/SQL programs evolve, in many cases, over several years and many versions. When variables are no longer used, remove them from the program. It will make the code much easier to understand. If the variable represents a database column then anchor the variable to the database column using the %type declaration.
Variable declaration Declare Name varchar2(25); Agenumber(2); SalaryNumber(7,2):=3500; Empnonumber(4) NOT NULL:=7869; DOBdate; Stockboolean; Availboolean:=false; Constant declaration Declare Credit_limit Constant real:= ;
Control Structures They are normally used to update,delete or update batches of data The structures are common to any 3GL : IF=THEN-ELSE, FOR,WHILE, GOTO, EXIT WHEN.
Conditional Controls The format of the IF-THEN statement is as follows IF THEN executable statements; END IF; The value of the condition is evaluated, if TRUE then the executable statements are processed. If the condition is FALSE or NULL then the statements are skipped.
Conditional Controls The format of the IF-ELSIF statement is as follows. IF THEN ELSIF THEN ELSIF THEN END IF; The IF-ELSIF statement can be considered a multiple IF statements where only one condition can be TRUE.
Conditional Controls Nested IF Statements It is possible to nest any IF statements within another IF statement. If your level of nesting is more that three levels you should really look at reviewing the logic of your code.
Conditional Control DECLARE v_number_seats rooms.number_seats%TYPE; v_comment VARCHAR2(35); BEGIN SELECT number_seats FROM rooms WHERE room_id = 9000; IF v_number_seats < 50 THEN v_comment := 'Small'; ELSIF v_number_seats < 100 THEN v_comment := 'Big'; ELSE v_comment := 'Very Big'; END IF; END;
Loops Syntax: LOOP /* A list of statements. */ END LOOP; At least one of the statements in should be an EXIT statement of the form Syntax : EXIT WHEN ;
Simple Loops DECLARE v_Counter BINARY_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN LOOP INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (v_Counter,'Loop Index'); v_Counter := v_Counter + 1; EXIT WHEN v_Counter > 50; END LOOP; END;
More Loops EXIT by itself is an unconditional loop break. Use it inside a conditional if you like. A WHILE loop can be formed with WHILE LOOP END LOOP;
While Loop DECLARE v_Counter BINARY_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN WHILE v_Counter <= 50 LOOP INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (v_Counter,'Loop’); v_Counter := v_Counter + 1; END LOOP; END;
More Loops A simple FOR loop can be formed with: FOR IN.. LOOP END LOOP; Here, can be any variable; it is local to the for- loop and need not be declared. Also, and are constants.
For Loop BEGIN FOR v_Counter IN LOOP INSERT INTO temp_table values (v_Counter, 'Loop Index'); END LOOP; END; BEGIN FOR v_Counter IN REVERSE LOOP INSERT INTO temp_table values (v_Counter,'Loop Index'); END LOOP; END;
For Loop Break Continue Sequential controls using labels > And goto label
%TYPE This attrribute provides the datatype of a variable or database column. Declare Name emp.ename%TYPE; Agenumber(2); Myageage%TYPE; If the datatype of ename in the table changes, the datatype of name changes accordingly at run time
%ROWTYPE This attribute provides a record type that represents a a row in a table. The record can store an entire row of data selected from the table or fetched from a cursor or cursor variable Declare dept_rec dept%ROWTYPE; To reference the fields, my_deptno:=dept_rec.deptno;
Cursors When you execute an SQL statement in PL/SQL Oracle creates a private work area for the statement. This is where data that is returned from the SQL statement is stored. The cursor name is basically a pointer to this area. Now we will create a cursor. CURSOR c_customers is SELECT * from CUSTOMERS;
Cursors We can open the cursor. OPEN c_customers; We can select data from the cursor. FETCH c_customers into customers_rec; And we can close the cursor. CLOSE c_customers; When we select values from a cursor we are actually selecting the data from a virtual table defined by the cursor definition.
Implicit & Explicit Cursors Every SQL data manipulation statements including queries that return only one row is an implicit cursor. An explicit cursor is what we create. For queries that return more than one row, you must declare an explicit cursor Note: In your PL/SQL, always use explicit cursors.
Diff between implicit and explicit In order to process an SQL statement,Oracle allocates an area of memory known as the context area. This area contains information necessary to complete the processing, including the number of rows processed by a statement, a pointer to the parsed representation of the statement, and in the case of query an active set, which is the set of rows returned by the query. A cursor is a handle,or pointer to the context area.Through the cursor, a PL/SQL program can control the context area and what happens to it as the statement is processed. An explicit cursor is when a cursor name is explicitly assigned to a select statement via the CURSOR..IS. An implicit cursor is used for all other SQL statements
DECLARE v_StudentID; v_FirtsName students.first_name%TYPE; v_LastName students.last_name%TYPE; v_Major students.major%TYPE := 'Computer Science'; CURSOR c_Students IS SELECT id,first_name, last_name FROM students WHERE major = v_Major; BEGIN OPEN c_Students LOOP FETCH c_Students INTO v_StudentID, v_FirstName,v_LastName; EXIT WHEN c_Students%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE c_Students; END;
Cursor Attributes The SQL cursor attributes are :- %ROWCOUNT: The number of rows processed by a SQL statement. %FOUND : TRUE if at least one row was processed. %NOTFOUND : TRUE if no rows were processed. %ISOPEN : TRUE if cursor is open or FALSE if cursor has not been opened or has been closed. Only used with explicit cursors.
Cursor Attributes IMPLICIT cursors are known as SQL cursor, thus if you wish to use the attributes from an implicit cursor (which in other words is EVERY SELECT statement that returns more than one row) you use SQL%NOTFOUND, SQL%ROWCOUNT...etc,etc...
Use a PL/SQL record variable DECLARE CURSOR c_AllStudents IS SELECT * from students; v_StudentInfo c_AllStudents%ROWTYPE; BEGIN.... END;
Cursor FOR loop DECLARE CURSOR c_HistoryStudents IS SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM students WHERE major='History'; BEGIN --Begin Loop the cursor is implicitly FOR v_StudentData in c_HistoryStudents LOOP --An implicit fecth INSERT INTO registered_students (student_id, department,course) VALUES ( v_StudentData.ID,'HIS',301); INSERT INTO temp_table (num_col,char_col) VALUES (v_StudentData.ID, v_StudentData.first_name || ' '|| v_StudentData.last_name); END LOOP; COMMIT; END;
Advanced Explicit Cursor Concepts
cursor that uses parameters CURSOR c_students (p_Department classes.department%TYPE p_Course classes.department%TYPE ) IS SELECT * FROM classes WHERE department = p_Department AND course = p_Course; To call the cursor OPEN c_students('CS',101);
Cursors for update The syntax for this parameter in the SELECT statement is: SELECT... FROM... FOR UPDATE [OF column_reference] [NOWAIT] where column_reference is a column in the table against which the query is performed. A list of columns can also be used.
Example…for update DECLARE CURSOR c_AllStudents IS SELECT * FROM students FOR UPDATE OF first_name, last_name; Or the cursor can select every column by not specifing a range DECALRE CURSOR c_AllStudents IS SELECT * FROM students FOR UPDATE;
NOWAIT If another session already has locks on the rows in the active set, then the SELECT FOR UPDATE will hang until the other session releases the lock. To handle this situation the parameter NOWAIT is available, which in case the rows are locked,OPEN will return the error ORA-54 resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
Fetching Across COMMITS Note that the COMMIT statement is done after the fetch loop is complete. This is done because COMMIT will release any locks held by the session. Since the FOR UPDATE clause acquires locks, these will be released by the COMMIT. When this happens, the cursor is invalidated.Any subsequent fetches will return the Oracle error: ORA-1002 : fetch out of sequenece. if there is a COMMIT inside a SELECT FOR UPDATE fetch loop, any fetches done after the COMMIT will fail. it is not advisable to use a COMMIT inside the LOOP. If the cursor is not defined with a SELECT FOR UPDATE then there is no problem.