Technology and Didactics of Technique Modular TE Country Report UDEGermany Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wehling
(II)Variations of the System Technology (IV)Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (V)Gymnasia (VII)Summary Content (III)Elementary School (I)Federalistic Educational System in Germany (VI)University
(I) Federalistic Educational System in Germany
Legend of School Types: Comprehensive (SEKI / II) (compulsory) Realschule (SEK I) (compulsory) Hauptschule (SEK I) (compulsory) Gymnasia (SEK II) Regional (SEK I) (compulsory) Elementary
(I) Federalistic Educational System in Germany Gymnasia Real- Schule Haupt- Schule Integr. Compreh. School Elementary School Nordrhein-Westfalen Elementary School Realschule Gymnasia Integr. Compreh. School Brandenburg
(II) Variations of the System Technology System Modell of a General Technology
(II) Variations of the System Technology Conceptions of a generell technology Subject oriented Technical Systems Technical oriented acting Technical Knowledge General technical Apprenticeship (Horst Wolffgramm) „Technology is a Process“ (Vladimir Hubka, W. Ernst Eder) Technical Theorie (Klaus Kornwachs) Technosophie (Günther Spur) General Technology (Günther Ropohl) General Technology Science (Gerhard Banse)
(II) Variations of the System Technology Attributes-Functions-Matrix of G. Ropohl Functions => Attributes TransformationTransportStorage Material S Plant for biogas, Thermal separation processes, Blast furnace process Pipeline, Crude oil carrier, Overland transport, Conveyor systems High-bay warehouse, Garbage dump, Hydrogen tank Energy E Thermal power plant, Photovoltaic, Elektrolysis Interconnected electric network, District heat supply, Pipeline network, Storage power plant, Batteries, Night storage heater, Information I Codification systems, Telephone, Robotics Radio telephony, Optical waveguide, Telemetry, Internet/Intranet Hard disk, CD, Magnetic tape, SPS (stored program control) Supply and Disposal Transport and Traffic Information and Communication Automation
(II) Variations of the System Technology Basic Structure of Educational System Federal Republic of Germany
(II) Variations of the System Technology Basic Structure of Educational System Federal Republic of Germany
Time and Culture Human and Community Area and Environment Technology and Working Sphere Nature and Life Arrangement of the classes 1-4 into the main tasks
Plants and animals - Natural one and arranged habitats The human body, senses and a balanced diet – the human body and health Magnetism – Electricity Heat, light, fire - water, air, sound Objects and materials - substances and their conversion Nature and Life
Collecting and comparing objects of daily use and of several materials. Arrange according to several aspects and assay the properties. Examine states of aggregation of water and their transitions to nature and experiment Producing and separating mixtures and lotions Observe and cause material transformation Objects and materials - substances and their conversion Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Natur and Life
Heat, light, fire - water, air, sound Judgment based on experience with water and air, heat and cold, light and shadow Learning about water and light as the very basis of the existence for humans, animals and plants Conducting and interpreting an experiment with water, air and sound observing and affecting the process of combustion. Reading up on fire prevention and fire protection. observing and explaining weather phenomena Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Natur and Life
Assaying magnetic effects and magnetic force Establishing of current circuits and considering safety aspects Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Magnetism - Electricity Natur and Life
The human body, senses and a balanced diet - the human body and health determining achievement of the sensory organs Getting to know something about hygienic principles and a balanced diet Observing bodily functions Reflecting terms and conditions for a healthful living Learning rules of accident prevention and first aid measures with the objective of applying this rules Natur and Life Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4
Observing, nominating and describing plants and animals in their natural habitat Developing respect and responsibility towards animals and plants exploring conditions for the kind-fair attitude of a home animal Recognizing coherences between living spaces and living conditions of humans, animals and plants Observing the development of plants and animals Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Plants and animals - Natural one and arranged habitats Natur and Life
Buildings and vehicles - Forms and effects of energy Materials and tools - Devices and machines Profession and Working Place - Work and Production Technology and Working Sphere
Getting to know professions, exploring working spheres of men and women Getting to know different kinds of work, division of labour and distribution of tasks Form of appearance of work and learning about the effect of unemployment Be able to relate the planning, production and distribution of a product and experience this Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Profession and Working Place - Work and Production Technology and Working Sphere
Producing and testing of objects by possible applications using different materials Learning about significant inventions and their further development Assaying, assembling and disassembling simple equipments and machines Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Materials and tools - Devices and machines Technology and Working Sphere
Build models by using easy materials and on the occasion get basic experiences in technology. Learning about energy sources / -forms and possibilities of energy saving Assaying the effects and conversions of energy Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Buildings and vehicles - Forms and effects of energy Technology and Working Sphere
Environmental protection at home and in the school – Environmental protection as social task The way to school and road safety – transportation areas and means of transportation School and Environment - Home and World Area and Environment
Exploring ways to school, school´s surroundings and important institutions of the town or district. Orienting with road sketches´ and pictures´ help. Exploring typical structures of school and regional environment Compiling substantial circumstances and changes of the areas North- Rhine/Westphalia, Germany, Europe and the earth Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 School and Environment - Home and World Area and Environment
Learn to keep an eye on important road signs and traffic rules with the objective of participation on road traffic Graduating a bicycle training Reliably use different areas of traffic and means of transport Recognize traffic routes as connections and borders Pass wheel driving training Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 The way to school and road safety - transportation areas and means of transportation Area and Environment
To avoid rubbish and to separate rubbish. Exploring the importance of resources (water, energy, land, air) and their utilization Reflecting and proving different ways of dealing with resources Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Environmental protection at home and in the school - Environmental protection as social task Area and Environment
Girls and Boys - sexuality Consumer goods and consumer needs – Consumer behavior and ecology Living together in the school and at home - Living together and participation in the community Human and Community
Bargaining and respecting rules of living together in school Getting to know the variety of family structures and living conditions of children Recognizing conflicts and testing conflict resolutions Learn ways of active cooperation and democratic participation in municipality and the district Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Living together in the school and at home - Living together and participation in the community Human and Community
Reflecting wishes, needs and the handling of money Exploring connections between consumer behavior and environmental problems Examine intention of advertisement and their effects Compare advertisement and reality Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Consumer goods and consumer needs - Consumer behavior and ecology Human and Community
Reflecting the development from baby to schoolchild Analyzing the role behavior between girls and boys Getting to know about the procedures with generation, pregnancy and birth Winning knowledge of the development from the school child to adult Thinking about love and sexuality Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Girls and Boys - Sexuality Human and Community
Me and other - Many cultures in one world Use of Media - Media Influence and Communication Timing - Past and today Time and Culture
Measuring time, analyzing spaces of time, classifying time Learning about annual festivals and events Collecting, arranging and representing information about past events and developments Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 The Time - Past and today Time and Culture
Learn basic strategies in using traditional and new media Using the achievements of communication and information media for learning, work and spare time Exploring and reflecting media offers and media consumption Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Use of Media - Media Influence and Communication Time and Culture
Knowledge of habits and languages of different nationalities and ethnic parties Reflecting knowledge about common and foreign cultures, religions, rites and habits Class Stage 1 and 2Class Stage 3 and 4 Me and other - Many cultures in one world Time and Culture
Internationalization of markets, employment relations, merger and migration of job-seekers E Changes of the allocation and appraisement of activities concerning the problems of disparity caused by the society D Development of the employment market also as organization of employment and the specification of modified needs C Alteration of the weighting of economical and ecological values and decisions B Change of professional positions concerning the personal identity, lifeplaning and composition of interpersonal relationships A Significant problemoriented fields 3 Activities in corporate and social areas 2 Gainful activities 1 Family oriented activities Fields of activity and experience (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas) A1A2A3 B1B2B3 C1C2C3 D1D2D3 E1E2E3
Educational Aims Example Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content Application Areas Application Areas (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas) General Procedure to reach Applications of Subjects and Aims
recommendedcompulsory B2, B3, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, E3 C2 or C3 D2 or D3 E2 or E3 9 and 10 A2, A3, B2, B3, C2, D1 A2 B2 C2 7 and 8 A1, B1, C1, C2, E1, E2 A1 B1 C1 5 and 6 Application areas Class Stage Application Areas (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
Educational Aims Significant problemoriented fields: Development of the employment market also as organization of employment and the specification of modified needs row: C Field of activity and experience: Activities in corporate and social areas column: 3 Application area: C3 Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School
Contents of application area C3: Changes in ICTs also changed: –Society –Working world Professional training and further vocational training play an increasingly important role New technologies are of high importance for the working market Thus need to be reflected and critically evaluated from the society as a whole Educational Aims Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
C3 application area´s Educational Aims: Learning how to deal with ICTs Comparing professional careers from present and past Becoming familiar with new types of learning and new types of vocational education and further vocational education Recognizing and describing ICT-related technical processes Understanding and evaluating new problems and phenomena that are related to the use of ICTs Evaluating the social consequenses due to the change in interpersonal relations for people, their free time and joint tasks Using skills and capabilities to support democratic processes Getting an overview of the possiblities of voluntary work Educational Aims Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
Subjects of the application area C3: - “Brave new world” - New “Kulturtechniken” - Activities in the spare time Educational Aims Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
“Brave new world” - Applications: - Jobs in change - Jobs of the future Changed qualifications - How many jobs does one man need? biographies of employment - Opportunities of Training and Further Training - Vocational Guidance and other information resources - The consumer made of glass - Problems of protection of data privacy - Information networks - living online Educational Aims Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
Information networks - living online Aims of the application: learning how to deal with ICTs and how to make proper use of the so called “New Media”; becoming aware of the possible risks and dependencies in the use of ICTs Testing the use of the “new media” as possibility for the organization of work, spare time and further training and evaluating their qualitative complexity Comprehending the responsible handling with ICTs and an exemplary professional software as “Kulturtechnik” and coping their basics also in an elementary form Educational Aims Application Areas Example Area “C 3” Subjects Applications of Subjects Application Aims Content (IV) Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (Application Areas)
(V) Gymnasia TECHNOLOGY in Gymnasia (SEK II Level) Area III Area III Area II Area II Area I Area I - Sociotec Systems Learning in Context Methods and Ways of Autonomous Work Subject Contents Material-, Energy-, Information (S, E, I) Curriculum Based Structure - Application Fields - Framework Oriented LearningFramework Courses including Constructive and Experimental Exercises in S, E, I S, E, I Computer Networking - Subject Oriented Systems - Methods of Technology - Science Oriented Learning
(V) Gymnasia INFORMATION TRANSFORMATION in Technical Systems Didactical Structure (School) Area I Area I Subject Contents (Subject Oriented Systems) Area II Area II Learning in Context Area III Area III Methods and Ways of Autonomous Work - Information-Transport: - Information-Storing: - Information-Transformation:Light Emitting / Receiving Valves Fibre Optics Client / Server Architecture - Application Field: - Construction Exercise: - Project: Information and Communication Fibre Optics Step Indexed Fibre Optics Example: Computer Networking
Technology Teacher Education for General School Structure of Study Contents at University Basics Basics - Control Techn., Networking Material Transformation Material Transformation Energy Transformation Energy Transformation Information Transformation Information Transformation - Phy, Math, S, E, I - S, Destillation, Rectification - Thermodynamics, Power Plants Theorie of Technological Systems and Processes, Basics for the Knowledge of General Technology Product Engineering, Process Engineering, Product Design and Development Energy Conversion, Energy Transfer, Propulsion Techniques Analog and Digital oriented Basics, Hardware Devices, Net Structures SozioTechnical Systems SozioTechnical Systems - System oriented Theories Interaction Man-Machine, Ecological Aspects, Ergonomic Elements, Security Didactics of Technology Didactics of Technology - Curricula Development Processes of Learning in Technology Education, Planning and Evaluating of Technology Courses (VI) University
INFORMATION TRANSFORMATION in Technical Systems System-Inherent Structure (University) Data Processing I Data Processing I - Hypertext - Programming Languages Data Processing II Data Processing II Data Processing III Data Processing III Data Processing IV Data Processing IV - Control Technology - Software / Hardware Hardware Devices / Programming Computer Aided Data Reading (Solar-Model), Digital Elements of Control Technology Knowledge of Basic Applications, Different Programming Languages Assembly Oriented Programming of CPUs, Interface-Devices for Specific Appliances Generation of Web-Sites, Integration of JavaScript, Java, PHP / Perl, Introduction to MySQL Data Processing V Data Processing V - MultiMedia - Networking L.A.M.P.-Approach, Generation of MultiMedia- and Component Oriented Software, Networking Topology, Heterogenous Networking
(VI) University INFORMATION TRANSFORMATION in Technical Systems Technology Disciplines Technology Disciplines - IT and Data Processing Events I - V System-inherent Structure Basic Principles of Technological Science Basic Principles of Technological Science - TIME Basic Foundation Knowledge in IT Didactical/Methodological Issues Didactical/Methodological Issues - Extension of Media Knowledge - Extension of Subject Knowledge Multimedia oriented objects/modules Telecommunications, Information Technology, MultiMedia, Electronics Ability in Dealing with New Media, Interdisciplinary Framework Didactical Structure (University) HTML, Networking, MultiMedia
(VII) Summary (II)Variations of the System Technology (IV)Comprehensive - / Compulsory School (V)Gymnasia (III)Elementary School (I)Federalistic Educational System in Germany (VI)University