AgentSheets ® Thought Amplifier The Role of Simulation in Creativity Alexander Repenning CEO & President, AgentSheets Inc. Prof. Computer Science, CU
… and now the definitive 12 step program on how to be a creative person
Creativity & Society
Imagine… The National Science Foundation in medieval Italy
Creativity & Technology
Exponential Growth: web-based Information Time Information: Domain names ,226,005
Exponential Growth: CPU Speed Time Speed: GHz MHz
Growth?: IQ, CQ Time IQ: CQ: Year 2000 IQ: Intelligence Quotient CQ: Creativity Quotient
is a Thought Amplifier combining human abilities with computer affordances
Why? Have fun Learn by building about u History u Math u Music u Geology u Logic u Programming u Art
Thought Amplification Process Externalize ideas Create & tweak artifacts Visualize consequences Illustrate causality
EcoWorlds Elementary school kids design their own animals, share them through the web and explore the sustainability of the resulting EcoWorlds “I will eat you” “If I lower my reproduction rate this world will become more stable” Social creativity right here!
AgentSheets in India When the Jiva-Java Project started, its 20 secondary students had never used a mouse or seen the Web. Three weeks later, they had created applets (using Agentsheets authorware) and linked them to their own Web pages –Ed Gaible at the Jiva Institute Faridabad, Haryana, India
Out of this World (very distance education) NASA used AgentSheets to simulate an “E.coli in microgravity” experiment aboard the space shuttle Discovery with John Glenn
Render Static Data: USGS Map of Boulder, CO, rendered in 3D as simulation background
Integrate Data with Simulation: Mudslide
Video Agents
Awards and Recognition… NAS: Exemplary Information Technology for Education WWW5: “Most Creative Educational Application of the World Wide Web” – Major of Paris Funding of AgentSheets Inc. ACM1: “Best of the Best Innovator” Kids Domain: GOLD BEAR
AgentSheets ® Thought Amplifier™ DMI , RED , REC , REC , CDA : SBIR, AAT, REPP, TRP NSF