Met 163: Lecture 4 Chapter 4 Thermometry
Thermoelectric Sensors The junction of two dissimilar metals forms a thermocouple. When the two junctions are at different temperatures, a voltage is developed across the junction. By measuring the voltage difference between the two junctions, the difference in temperature between the two can be calculated. If the temperature of one junction is known and the voltage difference is measured, then the temperature of the second junction can be calculated.
Thermocouples Thermocouples provide: A wide useful temperature range, Are inherently differential, Are rugged Reliable and inexpensive And usually have a fast response. The main disadvantage of thermocouples: is the very low output, on the order of 40 μV/ °C. Slight nonlinearity And need for calibration.
Thermocouples There are some observed laws of thermocouple behavior used as a rule-of-thumb guide to thermocouple circuit design and construction.
Thermocouples The thermoelectric effect: when one junction has a different temperature than the other, an electromotive force is produced in the circuit and current flows. The magnitude of the force or potential depends on the temperature difference between the two junctions. There are three components of the thermoelectric: The Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, and Thompson effect.
Thermocouples: Seebeck effect The Seebeck effect is the conversion of thermal energy to electrical energy. This effect measures the ease at which excess electrons will circulate in an electrical circuit under the influence of thermal difference. The change in the voltage is proportional to the temperature difference between the junctions when the ends are connected to form a loop.
Seebeck Effect
Thermocouples: Peltier effect The Peltier effect is closely related to the Seebeck effect. It represents the thermal effect due to a reversible current through dissimilar materials or through similar metals due to an external source of current. A current flow in one direction might warm the junction of the two dissimilar materials (and release heat to the surroundings of that junction), whereas if the current was reversed, the junction would cool (and absorb heat from its surroundings).
Thermocouples: Peltier effect
Thermocouples: Thompson effect The Thompson effect is the absorption or liberation of heat by a homogeneous conductor due to a current flowing through it. It is primarily evident in currents introduced form external sources and those generated by the thermocouple itself. The ability of a given material to generate heat with respect to both a unit temperature gradient and a unit current, is gauged by the Thompson coefficient. The importance of the Peltier and Thompson effects is essentially infinitesimal because the heat evolved is negligible compared to the amount of thermal energy available from the environment to the junctions of T1 and T2.
The (Thermocouple) Thermoelectric Laws The three fundamental empirical laws behind the accurate measurement of temperature by thermoelectric means are the: 1.Law of homogeneous materials 2.Law of intermediate materials 3.Law of intermediate temperatures. Law #1: the voltage across a thermocouple is unaffected by temperatures elsewhere in the circuit, provided the two metals used are each homogeneous. Thus one can use lead wires made of thermocouple metals.
The (Thermocouple) Thermoelectric Laws 2. Law of intermediate materials Law #2: If a third metal is inserted in either A or B and if the two new junctions are at the same temperature, no effective voltage is generated by the third metal. This means that a real voltmeter (or amplifier) can be used. The terminals of a voltmeter are usually made of a third metal and can be close together. It is important to make sure the terminals of the voltmeter are at the same temperature.
The (Thermocouple) Thermoelectric Laws 3. Law of intermediate materials Law #3: If a metal C is inserted in one of the AB junctions, then no net voltage is generated so long as junction AC and BC are at the same temperature. This means that the two wires or a junction can be soldered together and the presence of the third metal, solder, will not affect the voltage if there is no temperature gradient across the solder junction.
The (Thermocouple) Thermoelectric Laws T1 T2 Ref. B A A + - V1 V2 V3 G Fig. 4-5 (a)
Thermocouples Common thermocouple types TypeMetal TCopper and constantan J Iron and constantan ENickel(10% chromium and constantan KNickel and Nickel(5% aluminum/silicon)
Thermocouples A thermocouple is inherently a differential temperature sensor; it measures the temperature difference between two junctions. Absolute temperature measurements can be made only if one of the junctions is held at a known temperature or if an electronic reference junction is used. A block of metal (aluminum, copper, or any highly conductive metal) can be used for the reference temperature. This is done by inserting the reference junction of the thermocouple in the block and simultaneously measuring the temperature of the block.
Thermocouples The Campbell Scientific data loggers have this metal block underneath the wiring panel. The CSI data loggers have special instructions in their programming language that allows for thermocouple measurements. See the CR1000 manual.
Thermocouple output voltages
Thermocouples The most common type of thermocouple used for meteorology is the copper-constantan (Type-T). Its range of use varies from -200°C - 350°C, but is mostly used in the -60°C to 100°C with an accuracy of ±0.5°C. Another common type used in meteorology is the Type-E.
Thermistors Thermistor or thermal resistor is a hard, ceramic-like electronic semi-conductor, commonly made from a mixture of metallic oxide materials. Have a very large negative resistance coefficient (i.e., an increase in T by 1°C yields a decrease of 5% in resistance).
Platinum is most commonly used for precision resistance thermometers because it is stable, resists corrosion, is easily workable, has a high temp melting point, and can be obtained to a high degree of purity. Simple and stable resistance-temperature relationship. Platinum is sensitive to strain; bending the sensor can change the resistance. RTD: Resistance Temperature Detectors
Resistance of a platinum sensor is given by RTD: Resistance Temperature Detectors with sufficient accuracy for the meteorological temperature range -50 to 50°C. R 0 is resistance at 0°C R T = resistance of sensor at temperature T°C Coefficients depend on purity of platinum; a = or °C -1 Because the RTD resistance is fairly low and the change with temperature is small a bridge circuit is often used.
RTD: Resistance Temperature Detectors Because the RTD resistance is fairly low and the change with temperature is small a bridge circuit is often used. The bridge circuit converts resistance to voltage and can be amplified to a reasonable level using an instrument amplifier (CR1000 data loggers have this circuit built in).
RTD: Resistance Temperature Detectors
Campbell Scientific
Exposure of Temperature Sensors
Unaspirated Radiation Shield
Error inUnaspirated Radiation Shield