INTRODUCTION TO WRITING ASSIGNMENTS Colin Neville Effective Learning Service
ESSAYS & REPORTS Essays explore the validity of theories ideas, practices and situations, including hypothetical situations. They test your knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of ideas and theories in real business situations Reports are factual accounts or reviews of past or current events, although they can also be used for prediction or recommendation purposes. You apply your knowledge of theories, models, practices etc to the situation examined.
Essays The English statesman, Thomas More, wrote an essay titled Utopia, which envisaged an ideal state or perfect world. He could not have written a report on the same topic!
Some Typical Essay Titles “ The Customer is the focus of the direct marketing strategy”. Discuss. Critically discuss the reasons why people resist change and identify how resistance can be avoided and overcome. (a) Provide an analysis of the key characteristics of perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly in terms of firm’s profits and consumer welfare; and (b) Critically evaluate the strategic reason behind the increased concentration in the music industry.
Essay Titles Are Often In The Form Of A Proposition The Proposition ‘Discuss’ means weigh up this proposition, presenting valid evidence to support the conclusions you reach. So do you agree with the proposition? You must reach a conclusion, not just describe direct marketing strategy. “ The Customer is the focus of the direct marketing strategy’. Discuss.
Report Assignments These usually require you to present your findings on a particular piece of research you have done, either individually or as a group. You will still need to critically analyse the situation concerned, using models, theories, practices and ideas presented on the course. You may also be required to arrive at recommendations for action.
Report Structure Most academic reports follow a broad ‘5- point’ structure (although there may be more than 5 sections in the report) 1.Introduction 2.Background information (puts reporting issue into context) 3.Main issues: presented & explored 4.Discussion: alternatives/options/choices 5.Conclusion (or recommendations)
Stylistic Differences Essays can be written in one of two styles: Traditional Non-Traditional (Report-style format) (You may need to ask the tutors if they have preferences)
Traditional Essay No sub-headings Ideas broken up into paragraphs; a single idea presented & developed in each paragraph No bullet points Limited use of diagrams & tables Will be referenced using author/date (Harvard) system The phrase “commitment” is frequently used by HRM practitioners in the control of absenteeism and its contribution to business objectives. Evaluate the evidence to reinforce commitment and reduce absenteeism. Peters and Austin (1986) suggested that an individual couldn’t simply work for the organisation; they had to live for it 100% of the time. This was the level of commitment required for the company to have the best chance of success. Commitment must flow throughout the organisation; those at the top are responsible for setting the example for others. Employees must have the drive and craving to do better, or else risk building an organisation built on apathy. According to Armstrong (1999), two schools of thought exist for commitment. The first developed by Walton (1985), concerned the “control to commitment” philosophy. Walton felt that improved performance came from the organisation re-moulding itself from a control-orientated, top-down approach, and adopting a strategy where workers are given broader responsibilities, a greater voice and empowerment to achieve a higher degree of satisfaction in their jobs, Walton’s mantra was for “management hierarchies relatively flat, differences in status minimized, control and lateral co-ordination depending on shared goals” (Walton (1985).
Non-Traditional Essay (Report- style format) Can include sub- headings to unite a cluster of related paragraphs Might include some bullet points (sparingly) Can include diagrams & tables (sparingly) Will be referenced using author/date (Harvard) system The phrase “commitment” is frequently used by HRM practitioners in the control of absenteeism and its contribution to business objectives. Evaluate the evidence to reinforce commitment and reduce absenteeism. Introduction Peters and Austin (1986) suggested that an individual couldn’t simply work for the organisation; they had to live for it 100% of the time. This was the level of commitment required for the company to have the best chance of success. Commitment must flow throughout the organisation; those at the top are responsible for setting the example for others. Employees must have the drive and craving to do better, or else risk building an organisation built on apathy. The Concept of Commitment According to Armstrong (1999), two schools of thought exist for commitment. The first developed by Walton (1985), concerned the “control to commitment” philosophy. Walton felt that improved performance came from the organisation re-moulding itself from a control-orientated, top-down approach, and adopting a strategy where workers are given broader responsibilities, a greater voice and empowerment to achieve a higher degree of satisfaction in their jobs, Walton’s mantra was for “management hierarchies relatively flat, differences in status minimized, control and lateral co-ordination depending on shared goals” (Walton (1985).
Reports Will have sub-headings Will be referenced using author/date (Harvard) system Can include diagrams, charts, tables, boxed information & other illustrations (if appropriate) Can include bullet points INTRODUCTION This case study report examines the range of work activities in the UK that can be classed as teleworking, and in particular, work from home and work in call centres. It will summarise the age and gender profile of workers in the sector and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking generally. In recent years there has been speculation about the future of jobs in the UK call centre. A significant proportion of this report will examine the future of and the challenges facing this particular occupational area. TYPES OF TELEWORKER There are two types of teleworkers: those who work at home or use their home as a base at least one day a week using both a telephone and computer; those who work away from home in a call centre or other form of collective work base EXTENT OF TELEWORKING IN THE UK A study in the mid 1990s (Huws, 1996) attempted to discover the extent of teleworking in the UK and assess the potential for expanding work of this nature.
Marking Criteria A: Pass with Distinction B: Pass with Merit C: Pass D: Marginal Fail E: Poor Fail
Pass with Distinction or Merit = Critical analysis: careful evaluation of evidence; criticism of ideas, models or practices; original ideas Valid & reliable evidence: to support ideas/arguments presented; well-referenced, using author/date (Harvard System); no plagiarism Answer or engage with set question: not describe all you know about a subject Good presentation: clear structure; succinct writing; good grammar & spelling.