There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom ! 1. “.. Computing machines are very large. They fill rooms. Why can’t we make them very small ?… For instance the wires should be 10 or 100 atoms in diameter and the circuits should be a few thousand angstroms across…. ” 2. “The electron microscope is not good enough. … It can only resolve 10Angstroms. I would like to try and impress upon you…. The importance of improving the electron microscope by 100 times. It is not impossible. It is not against the laws of diffraction of the electron…. So, it should be possible to see individual atoms” 3. “ I am not afraid to consider the final question as to whether, ultimately, in the great future, we can arrange the atoms the way we want, the very atoms, all the way down !” By Richard Feynman, APS Annual Meeting, 29 Dec. 1959, at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
ENIAC, ,000Kg, 1800 vacuum tubes, 140kW vacuum tube صّمام الإلكترونيّ أول كمبيوتر رقمي First Digital computer الحجم عجيب و قدرته أقل من قدرة حاسبة الجيب !!
First Bipolar transistor Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain (1947)
أول ترانزيستور (1954) من السيليكون
أول دائرة مدمجة First Integrated Circuit J.S. Kilby (TI) 1961
رقاقة السليكون Silicon wafer 300mm
MOSFET p-Si N+N+ polySi Source Drain Gate N+N+ oxide channel
Electron Beam Lithography and Photolithography EBL and EUVL SiO 2 Silicon PMMA Electron Beam, 200kV, 10nm, 50kHz
3-5nm lines obtained by Electron Beam Lithography on PMMA Vieu et al. Appl. Surf. Sci. 164,2000 (111)
EUV Lithography
13nm EUV Lithography
2005 MOSFET Today’s MOSFET 2014 CMOS
Carbon Nanotubes
نهاية المسار من الأعلى نحو الأسفل ؟ اكتشاف أنابيب الكربون النانومترية Ijima1991
أنابيب داخل أنابيب : أنابيب متعددة الجدران
Carbon Nanotubes Metals if (n,n) and (n-m)=3k Semiconductors otherwise
الأنبوب الكربوني ترانزيستورنانومتري نانوأنبوب من الكربون
Carbon Nanotubes Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5384 (2000) K. Hirahara, K. Suenaga, S. Bandow, H. Kato, T. Okazaki, H. Shinohara, and S. Iijima
Nanotube Field Effect transistor (2001)
Snail cells Plastic pegs