Wireless Sensor Network for Tracking the Traffic in INTERNET Network Routers Supervisor: Mark Shifrin Students: Yuriy Kipnis Nir Bar-Or Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion
Agenda Abstract Project Goals Terms We Use Software Tools R&D Stages Design What is Next?
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion The Internet communication speed is not as fast as we would like it to be. Internet routing protocols today do not take into account information about the dynamic changed load on the network routers. Load information can be gathered in real-time and the network can improve the network routing according to this information. Abstract (facts)
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Abstract We would like to present a partial solution for improving Internet routing by altering Internet route tables dynamically, corresponding to the routers’ load in the Internet Network. We suggest: To use a simplified prototype of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) by using an ad-hoc standard with routing protocol on the link layer ( MAC ). Dynamically alter the routing tables used by routers.
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Project Goals Part 1: Learning of Internet technologies and Routing Protocols. Learning the NS-2 network simulator and Tcl script language. Building the simulation foundation that composed of two networks – Routers Network & Wireless Sensor Network. Building a mechanism that allows dynamic alternation of routing tables in simulation run time. Part 2: Changing the WSN network by sensor network based on satellite communication. Implementation of alternate routing algorithm. Data gathering and conclusions.
General Terms Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Router Network – The wired network of routers that we monitor with our sensors. WSN, Wireless Sensor Network – The wireless network of sensors that monitor the router network. WSN Main Station – The station in the WSN that all sensors are connected to. In this station all the data from the sensors is gathered, the load distribution algorithm is run and modifications to the routing tables are sent. Load Distribution Algorithm – An algorithm provided by the user that receives load information from the sensors and in response give directives on how to alter the routers’ routing tables.
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Declaration A wireless network consists of autonomous devices to cooperatively monitor environmental conditions. The idea is to take an environment and monitor its changes, we added the ability of controlling the monitored environment. Characteristics Limited power Mobility Dynamic topology Large scale of deployment Unattended operation
Tcl – script language Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Tool Command Language crated in 1988 at Berkeley Everything is a command Everything can be dynamically redefined Extremely simple syntactic rules Platform independent
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Network Simulator (NS-2) Discrete event network simulator Network protocols support (UDP, TCP, FTP…) Routing protocols support (DV protocols, static link protocols, multicast…) Open source C++ implemented, simulation interface through Tcl/OTcl NAM – Tcl based animation tool
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion R&D Stages Learning the Internet technologies and routing protocols. Learning the TCL programming language. Reading NS manual and learning how to work with NS. Implementing a router network. Adding monitors and traces to the router network. Implementing a wireless sensor network. Integrating both networks and establishing communication between networks. Sending and handling load information.
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Simulation Network Topology
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion How Does It Work? Routers nodes WSN nodes Central Station node Link objects Monitor objects
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion How Does It Work? Router nodes: Creation of nodes’ list for router stations. Number of routers in the network: NUM_OF_ROUTERS. for {set i 0} {$i < $NUM_OF_ROUTERS} {incr i} { set node_ROUTER($i) [$ns_ node] } WSN nodes : Creation of nodes’ list for WSN stations. Number of WSN stations: val(nn). Central station isn’t included. for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn)-1 } {incr i} { set node_WSN($i) [$ns_ node] }
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion How Does It Work? Link object: Creation of bi-directional links between router nodes. The tempo of service in the link queue: SERVICE_TEMPO The propagation time on this link: PROPOGATION_TIME The queue type of this link: QUEUE_TYPE for {set i 0} {$i < $NUM_OF_ROUTERS} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $NUM_OF_ROUTERS} {incr j} { if {$i != $j} {$ns_ duplex-link $node_ROUTER($i) $node_ROUTER($j) $SERVICE_TEMPO $PROPOGATION_TIME $QUEUE_TYPE } } }
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion How Does It Work? Monitor objects: Creation of monitors array: qmonRouter. Array index: “i->j”, indicates the link direction that have been monitored. Monitors connection to all of the links in routers network. for {set i 0} {$i < $NUM_OF_ROUTERS} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $NUM_OF_ROUTERS} {incr j} { if {$i == $j} { continue } set qmonRouter($i->$j) [$ns_ monitor-queue $node_ROUTER($i) $node_ROUTER($j) 0] } }
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion Central Station: Creation of Central Station. Sets parameters for this station. $ns_ node-config -ifqLen $val(ifqlenMain) set node_WSN($CENTRAL_STATION) [$ns_ node] $node_WSN($CENTRAL_STATION) random-motion 0 Load State List: Creation of auxiliary array for load information transmission between sensor stations and central station. Data in index: “from->to” indicates the load on link that connects between source: from and the destination: to. Set routerQueueLoad($from->$to) $routerLoad How Does It Work?
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion What Is Next? Improving the existed system Replacing the wireless sensor network in a sensor network that is based on satellite communication. Possible changes in network topology structure. Results gathering and conclusions Dynamic alteration of routing tables. Simulation of load distributed scenarios. Results gathering and conclusions.
Networked Software Systems Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Technion
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