OVERVIEW 1) Census Data 2) Syndicated Data – Mediamark Lifestyle Market Analyst 3) Marketline
CENSUS DATA Economic Census – Once every 5 years. Industry data only – No individual companies. Use NAICS codes – North American Industry Classification System. Replaces SIC – Standard Industrial Classification.
CENSUS DATA (cont.) NAICS codes – 6 digits, more specific and up-to-date. SIC codes still used, need to know also. Locate codes at Census website or in handbooks (See the Library Handout in your course packet).
CENSUS SITE REVIEW Click on the Industry Series Link on the Economic Census page. Choose an Industry Series Report Estimates for Variables are found in Table 1 in each Report, also note the NAICS code Go back to the Economic Census homepage & click on the NAICS link in left sidebar, go to the 2002 NAICS link. Put in your 6 digit NAICS code to get the industry definition & corresponding SIC code.
SYNDICATED DATA Lifestyle Market Analyst & Mediamark Mediamark – Consumer survey results, tells who buys what products. Includes details on consumer demographics and media exposure Data collected with the purpose of being sold Lifestyle Market Analyst has consumer lifestyle profiles, also includes demographic & geographic information
Mediamark To use this database you must register or use my & password – see Handout in your course packet for details on how to log-in and search the database. Methodology is available from “News” link on Mediamark home page or User Guide linked on E-reserves. MRI + (Mediamark) (Linked under Marketing in Research by Subject on the Libraries homepage MRI + (Mediamark) MRI + (Mediamark)
Lifestyle Market Analyst Selected sections online on E-reserves Entire book available at King Library in the Ready Ref section HF L554 See Handout in Course Packet for list of Profiles available on E-reserves Methodology also online on E-reserves E-reserves
Marketline (formerly Datamonitor) Company and Industry Reports Database More than 2,000 industry reports for US & internationally Includes market share, market value, forecasts, competitors, etc. Methodology linked on E-reserves Database linked under Research by Subject on library home page under Marketing
WRAP-UP Census Data – Do all online at Census website Mediamark - database linked from library homepage, under Research by Subject, Marketing (see handout in your course packet for details on logging-in)
WRAP-UP (cont.) Lifestyle Market Analyst – selected lifestyle profiles linked on E-RESERVES (methodology linked there too) Marketline - database linked from library homepage, under Research by Subject, Marketing (Methodology linked on E-RESERVES
CONTACT INFORMATION Susan Hurst 202 King Library