User Keene State College, Mason Library Irene Herold Director, Mason Library April 7, 2006
Kinds of Surveys Library Initiated Incorporated into Campus Surveys
Library Specific Survey Examples Cell Phone Reference Services
Cell Phone Survey The Questions We would like to know your opinion about cell phone use. Please return the survey to the box, or mail it to Library Director, Irene Herold, MS Thank you! 1. Have you been disturbed by cell phone use in Mason Library? Yes□ No□ 2. Should cell phone use be restricted to designated areas? Yes □ No□ 3. Should ringers be turned off upon entering the building? Yes□ No□ 4. Should cell phone use be allowed in Mason Library? Yes□ No□ Other comments? Please use the back if you do not have enough space.
Cell Phone Survey The Results # of Surveys Collected 2 Yes2 No3 Yes3 No4 Yes4 No Comments Disturbed by cell phone use? Restrict to areas Ringers off in building Phones allowed in building #1 Yes #1 No Totals % % % % % % 265
Cell Phone Survey Application of Results
Reference Services Survey 1. Which of the following library reference services have you used at Mason Library? (mark all that apply) ____Asked a librarian at the reference desk ____Made an individual appointment with a librarian ____Telephoned a librarian ____ ed a librarian ____None 2. Do you currently use an instant messenger program such as AOL or MSN? ____Yes____No 3. If the library offered an instant messenger reference service, would you use it: ____Frequently____Sometimes ____Seldom____Never The Questions
Reference Services Survey The Questions 4. If you decided to get reference help, which one of the following options would you most likely choose first? ____Ask a librarian at the reference desk ____Make an individual appointment with a librarian ____Telephone a librarian ____ a librarian ____Instant Message a librarian 5. Which one of the following best describes you? ____Freshman ____Sophomore ____Junior ____Senior ____Faculty/Staff ____Other – Please Specify: Thank You
Reference Services Survey Results so Far Preliminary results from questions 2 and 3 66% said they would use IM for reference help “frequently” to “sometimes” if we offered this service
Reference Services Survey Results so Far Preliminary results from Questions 1 and 4 71% said they have asked a librarian a question at the reference desk and 74% indicated they would ask a librarian at the reference desk as their first choice for service
Incorporated into Campus Surveys Graduating Senior Survey Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey
Graduating Senior Survey Results FY05 The campus services that were used by the most students were the bookstore (93%), the library facilities (93%) and the library information and resource materials (90%).
Graduating Senior Survey Results FY05 The campus services that the most students were ‘satisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’ with were the recreational center (85%), the library facilities (75%) and intercollegiate sports (72%).
Graduating Senior Survey Questions FY06 - Draft How would you describe your academic success at Keene State College? How prepared do you feel you are for your post- graduation plans, as a result of your program of study at Keene State College? How many hours per week do you spend studying or preparing class assignments? How many hours per week do you spend time in the Mason Library studying or preparing class assignments?
Graduating Senior Survey FY06 Questions – Draft cont. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following reasons for your use of the Mason Library: (Strongly Disagree Disagree Not Sure Agree Strongly Agree) I use the Mason Library: Because the surroundings motivate me to stay on task. Because it is a quiet place to study To study with my peers To study with social or service groups or committees To meet friends Because the surroundings are comfortable To rest To eat To do research To use technological resources (laptops, printers, etc.) To consult with reference librarians To access research materials on-shelves or on-line To read up on the news and current events As a place to hang out To complete classroom assignments Because my instructors require it of me
Graduating Senior Survey FY06 Questions – Draft cont. How extensively has your use of the Mason Library contributed to your academic success at Keene State College?
Graduating Senior Survey Results FY06 Stay Tuned! Will be presented at the New England Faculty Development Colloquium, “We’re Teaching But, Are the Students Learning?” A Colloquium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, June 2, 2006, Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA.
Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey Asked if faculty would currently use, like to use, would like training to use, may use in the future or do not plan to use: Library databases Specific E-articles E-reserves of non-copyrighted materials Digital Collections
Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey Currently Use Would like to use Would like training or assistance May use in the future Do not plan to use Response total Library databases 45%12%10%22%10%99 Specific electronic databases 45%20%10%19%6%97 E-reserves of non- copyrighted materials 14%19%15%40%12%94 Digital collections 17%20%14%36%14%96 Total 100
Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey If it was available, would you use a campus subscription to the Copyright Clearance Center to provide copyright clearance for materials (electronic and in print) to use in your instruction? 83% Yes17% No
Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey How do you use a data/video projector in the classroom? PowerPoint DvDs VHS tapes Web browsing Database searching Blackboard Other software applications Database searching: Always = 3%Often = 5%Occasionally =15% Rarely = 42%Never = 35%
Keene State College Faculty Instructional Technology Survey Done on SurveyMonkey
User Keene State College, Mason Library – What I’ve learned Conclusions
User Keene State College, Mason Library If you need further information, I can be contacted at: Irene Herold