UdR, Bogota, agosto 2008 1 Using technology to improve quality in education – 2 Ian Johnson.


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Presentation transcript:

UdR, Bogota, agosto Using technology to improve quality in education – 2 Ian Johnson

UdR, Bogota, agosto OVERVIEW  Research and teaching quality  Journals as learning resources  Growth and changes in journal publishing  The Open Access movement  Challenges for Open Access publishers

UdR, Bogota, agosto RESEARCH AND TEACHING QUALITY  At the leading edge of knowledge  Specialist expertise  Confidence in the classroom

UdR, Bogota, agosto RESEARCH AND SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION  Researchers seek  Impact  Recognition  Prestige  Honours

UdR, Bogota, agosto ACADEMIC REWARD SYSTEM  Tenure and promotion  Based on research and publication


UdR, Bogota, agosto GROWTH IN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING  Scientific papers  1870s – c.800 pa papers in mathematics  2000 – c.50,000 papers in mathematics  Scientific journals  1800s – c.90 journals published  2000 – c.16,000 journals published in English (c.16,000 Spanish; 8,000 Chinese)  Scientific publishers  1800s - Universities and societies  C 20 - Commercial companies

UdR, Bogota, agosto THE AUDIENCE FOR PRINTED SCHOLARLY JOURNALS  Journals are an essential tool for research and teaching but  Increases in the number of titles, and  Fixed or declining library budgets resulted in  Increases in prices  Fewer sales  Fewer readers  Less read

UdR, Bogota, agosto CONCERNS OF THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY AND LIBRARIANS  Researchers could not easily access all publications in their field  Libraries could not purchase all titles required by academics

UdR, Bogota, agosto CHALLENGES FOR LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCHERS (1)  Institutionally funded publication  No incentive for Quality control Regular publication Improving distribution

UdR, Bogota, agosto ACCESS TO LATIN AMERICAN PRINTED JOURNALS  CLASE - Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities -  INFOBILA (Library and Information sciences) - oweb.html

UdR, Bogota, agosto CONSEQUENCES (1)  Not included in international indexing services  Incomplete collections  Journal contents little known  Journals not highly regarded

UdR, Bogota, agosto CHALLENGES FOR LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCHERS (2)  Pressure to publish in English in journals indexed by ISI  Linguistic isolation

UdR, Bogota, agosto CONSEQUENCES (2)  Best researchers may not publish in Latin American journals  Latin American research and scholarship is not highly visible  Awareness of new developments is inhibited  Teachers cannot use journals to keep students up to date  Innovation and development is inhibited

UdR, Bogota, agosto Questions? Comments?

UdR, Bogota, agosto ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING – A NEW QUALITY RESOURCE  Low distribution costs  High investment costs  Added value features  Cross file searching  e-tables of contents  Citation linking  Digitising older material

UdR, Bogota, agosto CONSOLIDATION IN THE INDUSTRY  Global market share of English-language scientific journals 28.2% - Reed Elsevier 14.1% - Springer Science (incl. Kluwer) 9.5% - Thomson ISI 7.5% - John Wiley/Blackwell Publishing 3.6% - Informa Taylor and Francis 3.6% - American Chemical Society 66.4%

UdR, Bogota, agosto NEW BUSINESS MODELS  The ‘big deal’  A package of journal titles Limits on selection Prices based on print subscriptions

UdR, Bogota, agosto GROWTH AND CHANGES IN JOURNAL PUBLISHING  Welcomed by researchers  Significant increase in journal availability and use  Resented by librarians  Publishers’ unfamiliar with customer care  A cause for concern for universities and research funders

UdR, Bogota, agosto EMERGING ALTERNATIVES  Librarians trying to negotiate reduced prices  Researchers trying to encourage e- publishing

UdR, Bogota, agosto OPEN ARCHIVES MOVEMENT  Documentation centres in 1960s  1991 : creation of the arXiv.org physics archive by Paul Ginsparg  1997 : creation of the CogPrints archive by Stevan Harnad  : creation of the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) 

UdR, Bogota, agosto E-JOURNALS ?  e-publishing  Growing number of e-journals publishers SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, 1997 CLACSO Digital Library, 1998 AJOL – African Journals Online, 1998  Reorganisation of Chinese journal publishing,

UdR, Bogota, agosto THE OPEN ACCESS MOVEMENT  Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), February ex.shtml

UdR, Bogota, agosto GREEN AND GOLD  BOAI recommended self-archiving  ‘Green’ Open Access: a journal allows or encourages the simultaneous deposit of peer-reviewed published papers in publicly accessible online repositories  BOAI encouraged open access journal publishing  ‘Gold’ Open Access: a journal charges nothing to readers for access to the electronic versions of articles published in it

UdR, Bogota, agosto GROWING ENDORSEMENT OF OPEN ACCESS  Bethesda Statement, April 2003  Berlin Declaration, October 2003  OECD Declaration, January 2004  IFLA Statement, April 2004  Scottish Declaration, October 2004  Rio Framework for Open Science, June 2006

UdR, Bogota, agosto OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL MODELS  Journals supported by  Author payment per article Institutional or consortial membership Free publication for those who cannot afford it  Start-up grants  Commercial income – advertising and sponsorship  Voluntary activity and involuntary support  Hybrid journals  Delayed Open Access

UdR, Bogota, agosto ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING IN LATIN AMERICA  Growing investment by commercial publishing companies  Grupo Oceano  EBSCOHost, Thomson Learning, Dialnet, ProQuest  Continued pattern of institutional subsidy

UdR, Bogota, agosto SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online  550 journals from 8 countries (from 15,000+)  Selection Regular publication Peer reviewed Financial contribution to SciELO  Back issues to 1997?  Colombia in SciELO  pt_sci_home/lng_es/nrm_iso pt_sci_home/lng_es/nrm_iso

UdR, Bogota, agosto OTHER LATIN AMERICAN e-JOURNALS  Library and Information Science  ALFA Project REVISTAS  c.300 journals published in Spanish and Portuguese  c.220 from Latin America  Not all currently published  c.90 available online  c.50 from Latin America

UdR, Bogota, agosto AGGREGATORS OF OPEN ACCESS e-JOURNALS  Europe – DOAJ, EZB  Ibero-America – SciELO, RedALyC, LivRe, REI, RACO

UdR, Bogota, agosto AGGREGATOR COVERAGE OF OPEN ACCESS LIS e-JOURNALS Number of LIS e-journals in Catalan, Portuguese and Spanish SciELO c.90 2 LivRe29 RACO3 RedALyC8 REI15

UdR, Bogota, agosto Open Journal Systems/SEER 

UdR, Bogota, agosto Questions? Comments?