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Who edits this journal? What are the editor’s credentials?
EDITORIAL STAFF VICE-PRESIDENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Thos L. Bryant Design Director Richard M Baron Engineering Editor Dennis Simonaitis Editor, R&T Specials Andrew Bornho Senior Technical Editor Patrick Hong Feature editor Mike Monticello EDITORIAL STAFF VICE-PRESIDENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Thos L. Bryant Design Director Richard M Baron Engineering Editor Dennis Simonaitis Editor, R&T Specials Andrew Bornho Senior Technical Editor Patrick Hong Feature editor Mike Monticello
Who edits this journal? What are the editor’s credentials? EDITOR Professor Colin Garner Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK EDITOR Professor Colin Garner Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK
What are the author’s credentials?
What are the author’s credentials? W Li, Y Ren, X-B Wang, H Miao, D-M Jiang, and Z-H Huan State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’ia, People’s Republic of China W Li, Y Ren, X-B Wang, H Miao, D-M Jiang, and Z-H Huan State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’ia, People’s Republic of China
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Are there references? End of article – no references
Are there references? REFERENCES 1Huang, Z., Shiga, S., Ueda, T., Nakamura, H., Ishima, T., Obokata, T., Tsue, M., and Kono, M. Effect of fuel injection timing relative to ingnition Timing on the natural-gas direct-injection combus- tion. Trans. ASME J. Engng Gas Turbines Power, 2003, 125(3), Shiga, S., Ozone, S., Machacon, H. T. C., Kar- asawa, T., Nakamura, H., Ueda, T., Jingu, N., Huang, A., Tsue, M., and Kono, M. A study of REFERENCES 1Huang, Z., Shiga, S., Ueda, T., Nakamura, H., Ishima, T., Obokata, T., Tsue, M., and Kono, M. Effect of fuel injection timing relative to ingnition Timing on the natural-gas direct-injection combus- tion. Trans. ASME J. Engng Gas Turbines Power, 2003, 125(3), Shiga, S., Ozone, S., Machacon, H. T. C., Kar- asawa, T., Nakamura, H., Ueda, T., Jingu, N., Huang, A., Tsue, M., and Kono, M. A study of