Janet Weber Manager, Publisher Relations OCLC MLAIB Discussion Group MLA & OCLC Update ALA Annual 28 June 2008
MLA Database on FirstSearch - Publisher Abstracts Publisher Abstracts were made available to users with the April 2008 upload These fields are displayed for all document types Abstracts are indexed in both the Keyword and the new Abstract index
MLA Database on FirstSearch - Cite This Item “Cite This item” enables users to see the citation for the selected record in the reference standard for five common styles: APA Chicago Harvard MLA Turabian Citations may be copied into reports and other types of research Simplifies the documentation process for users
MLA Database on FirstSearch - Evaluative Content MLA records now contain Evaluative Content (when available) Evaluative content available includes: Cover art Author Notes Book Summaries Table of Contents Excerpts Displays automatically to users of the FirstSearch Web interface Libraries accessing FirstSearch via Z39.50 will see additional fields linking to the Evaluative Content when available
MLA Database on FirstSearch - Evaluative Content Cover Art & ToC example
OCLC to simplify interface to access MLA & other databases & content cccc MLA
OCLC to simplify interface to access MLA & other databases & content
MLA & OCLC Working Together MLA will work with OCLC to make a portion of their metadata available to unauthenticated WorldCat.org users and enable better discovery by users of institutions with WorldCat Local with MLA subscriptions - initially subject headings Increase exposure of authoritative content to end users Examine user reaction to metadata available in WorldCat.org Rosemary Feal, Executive Director of MLA. “We are proud to play a part in helping people discover print and electronic, language and literature scholarly publications through this innovative platform.”