AMMA-Africa and the African Involvement Plan (PIAF) Arona DIEDHIOU (IRD ; Niger)


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Presentation transcript:

AMMA-Africa and the African Involvement Plan (PIAF) Arona DIEDHIOU (IRD ; Niger)

For a sustainable AMMA Program in AFRICA Necessity to : integrate the African Scientists to keep them informed on activities to implicate National and Regional operational services to work on close collaboration with African universities and research institutes AMMA have to consider : Training Enhancement of Capacity building Studies on “Impacts and Applications” This motivates the creation in 2002 of a network (AMMANET) in Niamey (During the 1st AMMA Meeting)

AMMANET (AMMA-AFRICA) basically a network of African scientists, from different countries and various disciplines, from national or regional operational services, universities and research institutes that manifest their interest and wish to participate in AMMA international Program.

AMMANET (AMMA-AFRICA) is a framework where the African scientists have the opportunity to : Consolidate their already existing collaborations. Propose, present research projects in the framework of AMMA and to discuss them. Federate the initiatives and individual proposals for more efficiciency. To find for themselves new collaborations, between African researchers and with researchers all over the world, Help themselves to respond to the various « Call for proposals » in order to fund their research projects. Exchange informations, data and tools (code, methods...).

Structure of AMMANET A COORDINATION COMMITTEE (Pan-National) NATIONAL COMMITTEES (with a focal point and a research projects) in charge of the implementation of AMMA in their countries (operational and logistical aspects). Input of scientific activities from every country constitutes the AFRICAN INVOLVEMENT PLAN (PIAF) (Scientific Contribution to AMMA)

AMMA-AFRICA Coordination Committee 13 members from different countries and disciplines… Dr Andre Kamga (Meteo, ACMAD (Afrique), Niger) Dr Abou Amani (Hydro, AGRHYMET (Sahel), Niger) Dr Delphin Ochou (Meteo, University, Côte d’Ivoire) Dr Luc Sigha (Hydro, University, Cameron) Dr Amadou Gaye (Meteo, University, Senegal) Dr Harouna Karambiri (Hydro, EIER, Burkina Faso) Dr Arona Diedhiou (Meteo, IRD, Niger) Prof. Lekan Oyebande (Hydro, University, Nigeria) Dr Isabelle Jeanne (Health, CERMES, Niger) Dr Lassine Diarra (Agriculture, IER, Mali) Dr Seydou Traore (Agriculture, AGRHYMET, Niger) Prof. Abel Afouda (Mathematique, University, Niger) Dr Ernest Efiesimama (Meteo, NIMET, Nigeria)

AMMA-AFRICA National Committees The AMMA National Focal Point is from University or generally from a National Operational Service (meteo, hydro, agri). The National Committee has a scientific plan including universities, operational services and based on research projects with students and technicians, engineers of national services…

African involvement and interests INTERESTS: Monsoon variability –Climate monitoring –Water resources –Agricultural, fisheries –Health Motivation: (keyword: forecast) –Improve weather forecast –Seasonal to monthly forecast –Vulnerability to climate change

Climate monitoring –Variability of the monsoon –role of ocean (Atlantic; Guinea Gulf) –onset and end of the rainy season –length of the rainy season –Occurrence of active and inactive phases of the monsoon (intraseasonal; interannual)

Water resource –Variability of runoff (ground and surface ) and discharge –River flow –Spatio-temporal variability of rainfall –Water availability in the dams

Agriculture; fisheries –onset and end of the rainy season –dry spells –length of the rainy season –crop yields –favorable areas for locust development –land-use; anthropogenic impacts –SST variability (upwelling; fish production)

Climate and Health: –Rôle of atmospheric temperature and humidity in the genesis... of diseases –detection and forecast of favorable areas for malaria genesis… –Relationships between aerosols and meningitis

Examples of AMMANET initiatives in the PIAF: Integrated Project between Senegal, Burkina, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Storm Tracking (Using Satellite, Soundings, Radar, Analyses,..) Life cycle of Mesoscale Convective Systems Interactions with easterly waves contribution to operational forecast (SOP) Coordinated by Dr. Marianne Diop, Dr. Aida Diongue (Senegal), Dr Ernest Efiesimama (Nigeria), Dr Ali elmajdoub and Dr Andre Kamga (ACMAD) Other Potential collaborators: University of Leeds; UK and National Meteorological Offices, Météo-France

AMMANET initiative: Benin, Niger Multi-scale view of rainfall and Impacts of climate variability on hydrological cycle Two integrated projects on water resource 1. Spatial and temporal variability of rainfall 2. Runoff, discharge, aquifer levels (Non-linearity Aspects) coordination between Benin : National Hydro. and Met. Offices; University of Abomey, Niger : Meteorological Office; AGRHYMET IRD (French Institute of Research for Development), France IMPETUS Project, Germany

AMMANET initiative: Ivory Coast, Niger, Senegal Monsoon variability and interactions with land and ocean surfaces conditions Variability of easterly waves, convection and rainfall Onset and dynamic of the monsoon, Contribution to seasonal forecast Coordination between Ivory Coast : National Met. Office; University of Abidjan(LAPA), Niger : Meteorological Office; EAMAC, ACMAD, AGRHYMET IRD (French Institute of Research for Development), France

AMMANET initiative: Burkina-faso, Niger, Mali Hydrological cycle and agriculture Contribution to seasonal forecast of agricultural production Links between rainfall spatio-temporal variability, fluctuation in the hydrological cycle and agriculture coordination between EIER (Hydraulic high school), Burkina Faso AGRHYMET, ICRISAT, Niger ENI (National High School of Engineering), Mali

Other AMMANET initiatives in the PIAF: Niger: Climate and Health needs information on rain events, dry spells (occurrence..) link between rainfall variability and malaria genesis Cameroon : Aerosols and clouds Aerosols emission / transport variability relations with cloud structure efficiency to product rainfall Nigeria-Niger Monsoon variability (contribution seasonal forecast) Socio-economical impacts of climate variability (agriculture) Climate and Health

Mechanisms for a sustainable program The PIAF is structured in Working Package as recommended by the ISSC and following AMMA-IP (Europe) structure. The PIAF integrates national and regional institutions: All propositions in the PIAF include University, Meteo. and Hydro national offices, ACMAD, AGRHYMET, ABN, ICRISAT, CERMES… The PIAF contributes to training: Contribution to enhance critical mass and capacity building by consolidating to local formation (seminar… intervention in the universities...) Course on line, workshops, invitation to summer schools,… Scholarship (for students) are welcomed Fundings: All propositions must be submitted to sponsors and to the financial aid programs (in France : CORUS, FIRMA, AIRE-DEV, CNRS, IRD…). AMMA-AFRICA

The African Involvement Plan (PIAF) exists. The PIAF is the African Initiative in the AMMA International Program. This action is the first in the continent and is a real opportunity for African scientists. Ways to promote, defend and fund this Regional Action Plan are welcome AMMA-AFRICA

Questions: How AMMA-UK can contribute to: Consolidate the AMMA-Africa coordination ? Integrate the African in AMMA-UK activities ? Promote the PIAF and find a part of funding ? Thanks...