The Rise of the CCIO Intelligent Informatics Client Rachel Dunscombe – CIO – Bolton FT May 2015
The now
Building the Team No one clinician felt they could represent all clinicians Multiple clinicians expressed an interest but felt exposed if they were a lone CCIO Each clinician had different skill sets and interests Most of the CCIOs started their dialogue with Informatics as frustrated users and decided to become part of the solution
Securing Board Buy In Sufficient substantive funding Board and especially Medical Director buy in Defined structure and governance Regular CCIO board communication
An Integrated Trust CCIO Team Phillipa Winter – Head of Therapies Brendan Lane – A&E Charge Nurse Dr David Haider – Consultant Ophthalmologist Dr Simon Irving – Acute Medical Consultant Plus 4 associate CCIOs
Clinical Involvement First substantive CCIO Multi Disciplinary Team CCIOs on Project Boards e.g. Community Project / EPR CCIOs sit on NHS England Digital Maturity Index Group CCIO sits on NHS England Open Source Board CCIO led Code4Health and Mobilise projects CCIOs work with AHSN
Making an effective CCIO Domain Knowledge Wider Learning Peer Learning
The softer things matter Developing CCIO’s leadership skills Open and honest Communication Shared working space between CCIOs and Informatics staff Informal Knowledge sharing
What Does the Future Hold ? Does the CCIO change the role of the CIO ? Can CCIOs form to intelligent client alone ? What formal education programmes will develop for CCIOs ? What does the system need to support and develop the CCIOs ? How do we embed CCIO leadership ?
To become
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