While many drivers believe winter’s icy roads are the most dangerous driving hazard they face, fog actually poses the greatest on-road danger. Fog is just a thin layer of cloud resting on the ground, but it can cause major problems because it reduces the distance we are able to see. Fog occurs most often in the spring and fall. WHEN THE WEATHER CHANGES, WE NEED TO ALTER OUR DRIVING HABITS.
Driving in fog is comparable to driving while wearing a blindfold. Fog creates the most dangerous driving condition: Zero Visibility! Statistically, fog related accidents carry the highest fatality rates. Unsafe driving speeds in foggy conditions drastically reduce safe stopping distances / reaction times. Unsafe drivers do not slow down for reduced visibility conditions. Drive safely by slowing down while driving in fog
Ensure Installation of FOG LIGHTS (2 on front & 2 on back ) before foggy weather. Ensure the availability of torch with extra batteries, medical kit & warm clothes also with you. Your lights help other drivers see your vehicle, so be sure they all work. As part of your upkeep routine make a practice of walking around your vehicle to check your lights. Replace burned out bulbs right away, ensure they are aimed properly and keep them clean. Ensure proper working of windscreen’s wipers and defrosters. If the destination of some travellers are same than it should be in a group shape. Always manage your visit plan according to weather condition specially in foggy days. When the weather is foggy, the safest thing to do is to not to drive. You should call off your trip or delay it until the fog lifts. If you run into fog while driving, it is safest to move off the road to the shoulder and wait for fog to lift up. A crash, injury or even death is not worth the trip, no matter how important it is. If you decide to stop, never stop in the middle of the road, try to park on gas station or hotel. Stopping on the road increases your chances of being hit because others have no way of seeing you, or avoiding you, until it is too late. Only use parking lights or hazard lights while parked on the side of the road. Reduce your speed to give yourself more time to react to possible dangers that appear suddenly or to allow safe stopping distance. Do not pass other vehicles. It is easier to see better when you follow another vehicle, but be sure you are not too close in case you need to stop quickly, avoid tailgating. Do not overdrive your headlights. Stay within the limits of your vision. You may have to stop suddenly. If the fog is too dense, pull off the roadway and stop.
Before turning on the defroster and blower, move the heat control to “hot'' and allow the engine to warm up first. If the windshield starts to fog on the inside, open a side window slightly and turn the defroster to a higher speed. If you have an air conditioner, use it to reduce humidity and moisture collecting on the window. Drive with the radio off and with the window partly open to better hear other vehicles; especially at intersections. Use windshield wipers and the defroster to improve visibility Drive with your headlights on low-beam with fog lights because high beams reflect off the fog making it even harder for you to see. Never drive using only your parking or fog lights. Avoid crossing traffic or busy intersections, whenever possible. If visibility diminishes to the point that you can no longer proceed, don’t stop in the travelled lanes. Drive in the tire prints of the car ahead of you. When a car hydroplanes, it's riding on a thin layer of water between tires and the road. The water in the prints has already been displaced, so you can get better traction. Be patient, S-L-O-O-O-O-W