The View from the Agency Perspective
Jefferson County State supervised, county administered child welfare system 180 employees in the Division Serving 1800 children 550 children in out of home placement 90 county foster homes, 100 annual finalized adoptions
Getting Started Commitment from top leadership Steering committee representation Listen and accept reality Organizational culture change Focus on Leadership Group
Issues / Solutions Issue: Work/life balance: Solution: Flexible/ Alternative work schedules Issue: Vacant positions from turnover (workload distribution) Solution: Pre-vacancy positions Issue: Organizational Culture Solution: Improved training and organizational development
Issues / Solutions Issue: Ill-prepared workforce Solution: Provide standard On the Job Training with evaluation Issue: Staff not feeling appreciated Solution: Rewards and recognition plan Issue: Fragmented communication amongst all levels of agency Solution: Communication plan
Challenges Ongoing communication and follow through to build trust and organizational change Connecting accomplishments to R&R work Living within fiscal constraints
Sustainability Policy development Increased retention and institutional knowledge Significant impact on practice and linkages to CFSR Personal commitment and diverse wide- spread staff participation
SAVE THE DATE Scaling the Summit: Effective Strategies for Recruitment & Retention August 5 -6, 2008 Denver, CO