Office of Management and Budget 1 PERFORMANCE 2008
Office of Management and Budget 2 WHERE ARE WE TODAY ? “CHARTING THE COURSE FOR EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE – ALASKA ” “Alaska’s performance reporting is one of the best in the country…” The Pew Center Grading the States 2008 “
Office of Management and Budget 3 WHERE DO WE NEED TO BE ? “In Alaska, information works about the same way – as money—agencies have a lot, but they often lack the capacity to use it.” “…the next step–linking the performance numbers to the budget–hasn’t been taken yet.” “If the state can improve that link the way it has improved the measures themselves, the results could be impressive.” The Pew Center Grading the States 2008
Office of Management and Budget 4 CHANGING HOW WE DO IT INTEGRATE PERFORMANCE LOGIC Legislative presentations Increment Requests Management discussions INTEGRATE BUDGET NUMBERS Performance web pages
Office of Management and Budget 5 TELL THE STORY Commercial Fisheries Our purpose is to manage subsistence, commercial, and personal use fisheries under sustained yield principles for the best interest of Alaska (mission ) We do this through harvest management, stock assessment, and customer service ( core services) Our goal is to achieve stable or increasing economic and social benefits derived from the harvest and use of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants ( end result ) AND
Office of Management and Budget 6 ARE YOU MAKING A DIFFERENCE?
Office of Management and Budget 7 USE YOUR METRICS (targets) To Demonstrate Progress Through management, we are making progress towards achieving the goals of economic and social benefit from fisheries ( end result) : $1.4 billion value of commercial harvests and mariculture, continuing a five year upward trend 77% of fisheries were within the amounts necessary for subsistence, above the 70% target Established reproductive goals or baseline biological reference points for 99% of salmon stocks - critical for science based decisions Current permits for aquatic farms increased from 45% to 97% current, short of our 100% target but providing increased protection for wild populations
Office of Management and Budget 8 USE YOUR METRICS (targets) When More Resources Are Needed In some areas, we are not yet making sufficient progress. Increased support is needed to move fisheries management closer to achieving the desired benefits for Alaskans ( end result): Defensible decisions that maintain population viability and sustainable harvests require data. Insufficient baseline biologic reference points exist for: herring 17%, shellfish 58%, groundfish 76%. Less than 50% of fisheries are achieving the user group allocation objectives designated by the board, we are consistently below the 80% target.
Office of Management and Budget 9 USE PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK Increment Requests To increase progress towards the divisions goals, we need more funding to perform the following functions: Core Service: Harvest Management $440.0 Core Service: Stock Assessment $1,567.5 Core Service: Customer Service $ 492.5
Office of Management and Budget 10 BECOME A LEARNING ORGANIZATION Question the Data STATE STAT Dept Stat Div Stat Sec Stat
Office of Management and Budget 11 ALIGNMENT Mission: –Why do we exist? Core Services –How we get there End Results –Value to the public Performance –How are we doing? –Making a difference? –Need to change course? –More money?
Office of Management and Budget 12 NEW TOOLS Just for You! Vital Indicators (Key Targets) Results at a Glance at Agency level Status Statements Graphing
Office of Management and Budget 13 VITAL INDICATORS Show the Trends
Office of Management and Budget 14 RESULTS SUMMARY PAGE Facilitate Discussion FY2008 Budget: $60,129,500
Office of Management and Budget 15 Status For Every Target A more correct Methodology is : $/lb of species x lbs of harvest. Harvest by species is derived from fish tickets and NOAA reports. Exvessel prices by species are calculated from the F&G annual COAR (Commercial Operators Annual Report
Office of Management and Budget 16 GRAPHING TOOL Standardize Presentation Visual present-ability Additional or contextual data is a good thing Provide a link to more information, or discuss more within the analysis section. Storage Capacity
Office of Management and Budget 17
Office of Management and Budget 18 Single Bar Graph
Office of Management and Budget 19 Multiple Bar Graph
Office of Management and Budget 20 Multiple Line Graph with a Gap/Target
Office of Management and Budget 21 Multiple Line Graph Quarterly Data
Office of Management and Budget 22 Stacked Bar Graph
Office of Management and Budget 23 Mix Graph Types
Office of Management and Budget 24 GRAPHING NOTES Graph Average, Target, Total Change, Forecast, Quarters Option to display a subset of the table data Ignore a year Vertical axis defaults to logical range, can override Table Displays in descending year order Option to be invisible, display graph only Option to hide specific columns
Office of Management and Budget 25 OTHER CHANGES Comment field changed to Methodology Vital indicators (Key targets) on Admin site Removed Resources Page OMB can restrict publishing In Process ABS Performance information flow Mission and Core Services Budget Numbers
Office of Management and Budget 26 THE PLAN Department Status Statements ASAP RDU/Comp Status Statements next in line Graphs by September 30 Picture uploads phased out STAT sessions – at any time!
Office of Management and Budget 27 WHY BOTHER? Mitigate politics in decision making Appropriate resource allocation Are we doing the right things–in the right way? Unintended consequences? Effective service delivery? Operational weakness? Communication Unites diverse groups towards common goal of better government, initiative accomplishment Citizen centered accountability
Office of Management and Budget 28 SHOOT FOR THE MOON