From Columbus HS
Our Plan Is to present the case of:
Schenck V. United States
Steps in Our Plan: A survey of student opinions Presentation of the case using the CONLAW process Conducting a web search for data about the constitutional issues involved, Conduct a final survey of student opinions
“Educational Stuff” Click Here If You Really Want To See This!
Conducting the Survey Students will navigate to a site such as:
Students Make a Short Electronic Survey That Can Clarify issues. Make them aware of public issues. Have them consider feelings they might. have. Develop an understanding that serious. issues often result in complex legal. questions.
World War I affected Americans in many ways Appeals to PatriotismDeath of many Americas Risk of SabotageImpact on business and Trade Events of WWI Angered Many Americans Ways government could meet the war’s challenges Each of these is a hyperlink to a Web site or other page
Upon Completion of the Project Students will take the Survey again and make a comparison of their opinions at the beginning and end of the project. Click to see Survey Again
We Hope You Enjoyed Our Project