Status: WW,ZZ->H-> Catalin, Kevin, Tony, Dovid
Monte Carlo Partially solved the MC issue: –Random gen. seed not used –Generate all MC in one job OK – given that this is not full simulation Real-simulation sample available? Generated 50k events WW/ZZ ->Higgs Last week – Dovid Skversky joined: –REU student – will work on these studies exclusively.
HEPG-level plots Higgs Mass = 130 GeV Pt and of the positive tau
Leptons and Photons Require Isolated Electron Muon, or Photon
Jet E T E T (j1)>35 GeV E T (j2)>20 GeV
Jet Pseudorapidity
Which jet Et? Two kinds of jets in the atlfast ntuple: –JET(reconstructed jets) –JETB(reconstructed jets calibrated with atlfastB) Leading jet2 nd Leading jet
Erik’s parametrization Considered all jets with Et<300 GeV and | |<2.8 Example: 50 GeV threshold
Efficiency vs Threshold Thresholds from 30 GeV to 200 GeV Exponential decrease What about lepton triggers: –Only 2 studied: MU20 and EM25I –Efficiency: 26% Overlap? –Only the 50 GeV jet thresh: –Overlap is 25% with lep trig. Need more study
Plans for the next meeting Compare to Bruce results, for the same cuts. Find out about full-simulation samples Study the triggers in more detail. Also: –Include missing Et –‘tau’ jets Look at backgrounds, if available