Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Assoc. (BIMA) Array CO J=1-0 Survey M. Meixner (STScI) Collaborators: Fong, Justtanont,Sutton, Welch, Zalucha Background/motivation Observations Models Summary
Conclusions Observed features: expanding shells, protrusions, collimated outflows, rotation Kinematic trichotomy: -simple expansion with protrusions found in elliptical (SOLE) PPN -expansion + collimated outflows found in bipolar (DUPLEX) PPN -expansion + rotation (new class) Mass loss histories
Motivations for CO J=1-0 Best tracer of molecular gas mass AGB mass loss is predominantly molecular Kinematics in proto-planetary nebulae (0.5 km/s) Toughest molecule w.r.t. photodissociation => probes outer regions CO
V exp V0V0 V 0 -V exp V 0 +V exp V0V0 Jy V0V0 V 0 -V exp V 0 +V exp V exp
Observations Millimeter interferometry with the BIMA array Combined with single dish maps from the NRAO 12 m Full synthesis maps provide –Spectral resolution 1 km/s, coverage 128 km/s –0.5" to 200" scale sizes
Three kinematic signatures I.Simple expansion: IRC (Fong), IRAS , HD179821, HD , HD 56126, IRAS II.Expansion + collimated outflows: AFGL 2688, NGC 7027, AFGL 618 III.Expansion + rotation: Mira, 89 Her, Red Rectangle (Doering)
Simple expansion: PPN show protrusions but no outflows to create them. How did they form?
Egg Nebula / AFGL 2688
NGC 7027
Expansion + collimated outflows Velocity of collimated outflow is faster than the expansion velocity of the envelope (AFGL 2688 and NGC 7027) Collimated outflows or bullets?
89 Her
Expansion + rotation Rotation? Or low velocity bipolar outflow? Expansion velocity of the envelope is greater than the rotation/bipolar velocity (Mira, 89 Her) In either case, they are kinematically distinct from expansion + collimated outflow
HD 56126
HD 56126: Models & Observ. Parameter Value D2.4 kpc R in 3.6×10 16 cm R out 2.5×10 17 cm R SW 1.3×10 17 cm V exp 11 km s -1 CO/H 2 1.1×10 -3 dM AGB /dt5×10 -6 M O yr -1 dM SW /dt3×10 -5 M O yr -1 M gas /M dust 800
Conclusions Observed features: expanding shells, protrusions, collimated outflows, rotation Kinematic trichotomy: -simple expansion with protrusions found in elliptical (SOLE) PPN -expansion + collimated outflows found in bipolar (DUPLEX) PPN -expansion + rotation (new class) Mass loss histories
V exp -V exp V0V0 V 0 -V exp V 0 +V exp V0V0 Jy V0V0 V 0 -V exp V 0 +V exp